Voting Crates

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Fluby26, Nov 11, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Not Sure

    Suggested name: Voting Crates

    What I want: I'd like a plugin where by typing a command you can receive a voting key, and you can use that voting key by right-clicking a preset chest and receive a % chance of getting different rewards. For Example lets say I do this command while holding a diamondsword in my hand:​
    /vc additem <name of item (can use color codes)> 1.0 ​
    The 1.0 would mean there is a %1 out of 100 you would receive that diamond sword.​
    Also I'd like the key to be a tripwire hook named &a'Voting Key Go to Spawn and Use it on the Voting Chest!' or just '&aVoting Key' if that other one is too long

    Ideas for commands:
    /vc give {player} <amount of keys>​
    /vc additem <name of item (can use color codes)> 1.0 ​

    Ideas for permissions: votecrates.canuse.chest
  2. There is a plugin already that can do this.

    Lootbox - Make custom crates

    Download GAListener too
    And configure both
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