Plugin category: Chest Minecraft version: Spigot 1.8 Suggested name: VIP Chest What I want: A plugin that lock chests that can only be open by players with permission Ideas for commands: /lockvipchest ( and right click) Ideas for permissions: vip.chest
Hello, I can look into making this plugin for you. I just have a few questions first, to make sure I fully understand how you want this plugin to look like: If a player has the vip.chest permission, is he able to open ALL the chests that have been locked with this plugin? Should there be some message if a player without the sufficient permission tries to open it? Should there be a way to remove the vip lock from the chest (perhaps /unlockvipchest command?) Do op's have the vip.chest permission by default or should it be set to none Kind regards
I remember making this for you about 2 years back [ ] Here's the download link -
Hello NewtyMan, i will see if JameZ will give me permissions in the drive, he already did the plugin but i lost it. Thank you so much for the support But if you want to do it: 1. Yes 2. Yes, custom message with colors 3. I think it could be removed by just breaking the chest 4. Yes
Thank you JameZ New download link >