view-distance > 15?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by mad_hmpf, Oct 25, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Well, the title should be pretty self explanatory: is it possible to set the view-distance higher than 15? (i want 30)

    Mind you that we're not talking about a big server for lots of people here, i've setup bukkit on my local machine (quad core, 16GB RAM) so i can play together with a friend. That's why performance shouldn't be a problem for me.
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    The client only renders 15 chunks on render distance huge, so it will do nothing making them bigger.
    Darky1126 likes this.
  3. Offline


    What about Optifine's Extreme render distance? (Even though it is an FPS killer)
  4. Offline

    minecrafterwork I steal plugins as my own

    Optifine might be the only way for High Render Distance since a Servers Settings can not exceed 15
  5. Offline


    I use Optifine of course, and when i set the render distance to anything greater than "Normal + 96" (which is one chunk less than "Far") i can see the border of the loaded chunks.

    So while the client could show me the chunks beyond the 15 chunk limit, the server just won't send them.

    That's why i'm looking for a bukkit plugin to remove that limit.
  6. Offline


    No existing Bukkit plugins do it purely due to the fact no one wants it. Try posting a request in the plugin requests section.
  7. Offline


    I want it.
  8. Offline


    Out of curiosity, if someone has the extended far rendering enabled with optifine or something, will increasing this value over 15 effect how far they can see? Or is this a hardcoded limit within the server?
  9. Offline


    Its a hardcoded limit, but if you remove that limit, then yes.
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