Vent crawling

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Plague, Feb 19, 2011.

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    Is it possible for a plugin to enable the player to fit in a 1x1 passageway? I'd love it for some of my built models, like The Cube.

    Maybe temporarily make myself smaller? I didn't find anything in the javadocs, but I wouldn't mind using directly the minecraft obfuscated classes.
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    Edward Hand

    The main issue you would encounter is that the client does collision detection of its own. You might be able to make the server to think the player was smaller but I'm not aware of any way to make the client do the same.
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  4. Offline


    Damn, well if it's the client, that's it then, thanks :)

    You mean jumping through an opening using a right-click on a minecart? Usable for some situations, but not this one.
  5. Offline


    no, i meant ride the minecart through it :D
  6. Offline


    Through 1x1? How? Still not usable for this exact situation, but could use it for another one.
  7. Offline


    i thought you could as long as it was in tracks. will test it later.
  8. Offline

    Edward Hand

    I think you're right. You just have to make sure to cancel suffocation events [​IMG]
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    bah, so what if you lose a player or two.
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    Okay, since Edward says it works ... ;)

    So can't you thin of a nice way to get though 1x1 opening? I mean just to pass through a 1-thick wall to the other side, I'd like to make a Cube model (the one from the movie) and having the crawlspace 2x2x1 looks stupid :(
  11. Offline


    y'know, not only would being able to get through 1x1 spaces be nice, but being able to make those cubes of yours move like in the movie would be pretty damn cool too... i would suggest the piston plugin i requested a while ago, assuming anyone makes it.
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