[Vault] Survival Games Winner Receiving Money

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by kipperfeever, Jun 17, 2014.

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    I am stuck on a small part of my survival games plugin I am coding. I am stuck on how to give players Vault money when they win. I want the main SG winner to get X Dollars, the 2nd place to get X Dollars, and the 3rd to get X Dollars. What would be the source code for this? Please help I am extremely stuck. Please comment below or msg me on skype: minecrafterlcj
    We would be willing to pay for this code too. None of our developers can figure this out.
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    1. econ.depositPlayer(p.getName(), x);

    Should work...
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    Would that find which 3 players won 1st 2nd and 3rd? We have Multiple matches per server
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    Obviously not.. You'd have to find who won, who took 2nd and who took 3rd. And then you would have to use that for each player that you find. Shouldn't be that hard.
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