Vault probelm (command plugin)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by 6zero, Sep 6, 2019.

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        public static Economy econ = Balance.econ;
        public static EconomyResponse r;
        public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String commandLabel, String[] args) {
            Player p = (Player) sender;
            if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("add")) {
                if (sender instanceof Player) {
                    Player target = Bukkit.getPlayer(args[1]);
                    int balance = (int) econ.getBalance(target);
                    r = econ.depositPlayer(p.getPlayer(), balance);
                    p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Dodatles" + balance);
            return true;
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @6zero And what is the issue?
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    1. You are not checking "args" length before you try to get something from it.
    2. You are not checking if "target" is null before using it.
    Do you have any other problems?
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    i have problem with this:
    Player target = Bukkit.getPlayer(args[1]);
    The method getPlayer(String) from the type Bukkit is deprecated

        if (sender instanceof Player) {
                Player p = (Player) sender;
                if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("add")) {
                    if (args.length == 3) {
                        try {
                            Player target = Bukkit.getPlayer(args[0]);
                            int deposit = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
                            if(target != null ) {
                                econ.depositPlayer(target, deposit);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
            return true;
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2019
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @6zero Just ignore it, nothing wrong with the method.
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    But it doesn't work, I don't have a bug in the console, but if I write "/ add" nothing happens
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @6zero And what command are you calling then? Having a space as command doesn't work.
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    @6zero Deprecated doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it, and there's no other way to get the player from the name, just ignore it as @timtower said before.
    What is your desired command? "/add (player)" or "/something add (player)"?
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