
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by 10Cps_, Dec 3, 2016.

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  1. Plugin category: Miscellanous

    Minecraft version: 1.7.10/1.8 Comp

    Suggested name: ValVoteRank

    What I want: I really need this plugin, so people can get a temporarily rank with people on the server. The player will get a rank for 1 hour, so access a specified permissions for 1 hour.

    Is anybody willing to try and make this?

    Ideas for commands:
    /vvr help - Shows ValVoteRank STAFF COMMANDS.
    /voterank [USERNAME] (Make it so, they cannot vote theirselves) - Votes for a player (50 votes for 1 hour rank)
    /vvr add [USERNAME] [GROUP] [TIME] (Staff Command) - Adds a voterank to a specified person
    /vvr remove [USERNAME] (Staff Command) - Removes a player voterank
    /vvr list - Shows the list who has VoteRank on
    /vvr change [USERNAME] [GROUP] [TIME] - To change its time
    /ping - Shows the player's ping (MS)
    /tps - Shows the ticks per second (TPS)
    /vvr remove all - Removes every person's rank using VoteRank
    /vvr add all [GROUP] [TIME] - Adds a VoteRank to everyone
    /vvr add [USERNAME] [GROUP] - Adds a permanent rank to a person
    Ideas for permissions:
    Member commands (To use /voterank, /ping) - vvr.use
    Donator commands (To use /vvr list) - vvr.donor.use
    Staff commands (ALL THE COMMANDS) - vvr.staff.use

    When I'd like it by: Would be amazing if could be possible till the 30th December
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
  2. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @10Cps_ For what permissions plugin?
    I know that PEX has temporary permissions already.
    And what will the voterank command do? How ill it work?
    /ping and /tps are not even related to the rest of the plugin.
    UnseenMC and bwfcwalshy like this.
  3. @timtower I am using PEX, can you teach me how to do that temp perms?
    The voterank command, is that if 50 players on your server votes for a player to get a rank, the player will get a rank for 1 hour, and then will be set as default rank once again!
    /ping and /tps, is not necessary
  4. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

  5. but how can I do it so people can vote for the rank?
  6. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @10Cps_ Not with PEX on its own.
  7. @10Cps_ GAListener that runs the pex command that @timtower mentioned and bobs your uncle.
  8. But I guess that GAListener works with Votifier right?
    You are not understanding me, I am telling you, that if a person accesses, /voterank to a friend/randomplayer, if hes a good person forexample, he can get a temporarily rank for an hour!
  9. @10Cps_ So you want another player to vote which counts for yourself for example? How would we know it's another player and not yourself?
  10. I ment that, if for example, my name is 10Cps_, I cannot be accessed to do /voterank 10Cps_ (I wont be able to VOTE for myself, others will vote for me)
  11. @10Cps_ So you want a user to do /voterank user and if that user gets 100 votes they get a rank? That would be hard to hit, I only ever see this happening if someone bought 100 alts and made them vote for them.
    UnseenMC likes this.
  12. You can just change it to a 10 player vote so, a player will get that rank! or a 5 one!
  13. Offline


    You're saying, people will be "surveyed" to vote for other players that are being good sports, etc.. and whoever gets the most gets a temporary rank permission?
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