Solved Value of items!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Cryices, Feb 13, 2014.

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    I'm using this Map<ItemStack, Integer> poop = new HashMap<ItemStack, Integer>();
    to value my items, I add them with poop.put(ItemStack, value); then what I'm trying to do it get the value of all the items in the list added together. Any help?
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    Okay, here's what I would do:

            int total = 0;
            for(Integer whatever : poop.values()){
                total = whatever + total;
    What we're doing here, is we're defining an integer called 'total'. Then, we're looping through all of the values (Integers) within the HashMap poop, and we're adding the values to total. In the end, total should be all of the Integers within poop added up :)

    Good luck with your plugin!
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    1. int total = 0;
    2. for (ItemStack key : poop.keySet())
    3. total += poop.get(key);

    Your total should be equal to the variable 'total'.
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