V.I.P Group Problem

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Da5hdart, Jan 6, 2014.

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    Right, here is the problem I have been scratching my head over, I will try and keep it as short as possilbe for you guys.

    So on my new server, I was going to use group manager for my permission system, that's fine no problems there. The default group was going to be STONE then the next IRON and the next DIAMOND etc. that's fine, still no problems there. I was planning on going to use the Buycraft plugin where the players will buy the rank above, still no problems. Secondly I wanted to create a V.I.P group which has very high permissions but will only last a certain amount of time (something like 28 days) BUT there is a problem with doing this. As I know already when you buy something via buycraft you can make it so the plugin does an initial command eg /promote <player> group VIP and you can do a final command when the 28 days ends /demote <player> ... you see that's the thing, buycraft will not know which group to demote the player to as it will not know which group the player originated from or if they have bought another rank, if anyone can help me with this problem it would be greatly appreciated
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    I would recommend just adding the permissions/prefix to the user instead of actually changing the users group. So:
    /manuaddp user perm
    /manuaddv user prefx prefixhere
  3. Offline


    That is actually a really good idea!!! so what your saying is change the prefix to vip and give them some more nodes and when the period ends just remove the nodes that you added???but how would you make it go back to the original prefix???
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    /manuaddv user prefix prefixhere Adds a new per-user perfix. When its over just remove the nodes as you said and /manudelv user prefix
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    Also do not name the group 'V.I.P', name it 'VIP'. the '.' character may cause problems with certain plugins when trying to use it on configuration YML files.
  6. Offline


    Yes, but I am having Stone, Iron, Diamond ranks etc so it will not be 'user' it will be different for each rank!

    I suppose if all else fails, I could add the VIP bit as a suffix...does the suffix come after the player or the message?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
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