Using Wolf Hearts. Before you come in saying not possible I know

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MCForger, Feb 11, 2013.

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    So I just had a couple of questions.
    Number one:
    Why doesn't bukkit or craftbukkit allow us to spawn effects like wolf hearts or portal effects? I understand client side but still.

    Number two:
    Is there any modifications to bukkit that allow this? Or is there anyway to do it on your own within NMS?

    Thanks for reading,
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    Now I don't know if this is client side or not, but if it is, that's a big "but still."
    If something is client side it's literally impossible for the server to send it to the client.
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    Agreed, there's nothing Bukkit can do about it if Vanilla doesn't give it the capability.
    For other effects, though, try using world.playEffect().
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    I know how to do normal effects =P I'm was just trying to figure out the whole sending an EntityEffect or any effect that can not be applied to a player to a location.
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    multiple requests have been sent for the rest of the effects to be added for playEffect() dw i think there adding it next update
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    MCForger try it with this:
    public void playWolfHearts(Location loc) {
            World world = loc.getWorld();
            Wolf wo = (Wolf) world.spawn(loc, Wolf.class);
            net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.World nmsWorld = ((CraftWorld) world).getHandle();
            net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.EntityWolf nmsWolf = (EntityWolf) ((CraftEntity) wo).getHandle();
            nmsWorld.broadcastEntityEffect(nmsWolf, (byte) 7);
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