Using the string get method with player vars?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by 1Achmed1, Apr 6, 2014.

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    Please help :(
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    What you actually want to do is get values by the player's name.
    1. public void getMoney(Player player) {
    2. getConfig().getString(player.getName());
    3. }

    I should also have you know that as of 1.7.5, you should be using the player's UUID instead of their name, but for now you can ignore that.
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    I'm behind in my developing lol :D
    Still using the 1.6.4 jar
    EDIT: I just grabbed 1.7.5 :)
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    You really should learn Java.. void methods don't return anything.
    Gater12 likes this.
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    Relevant information: Minecraft is switching to UUIDs for storing player data, as the names are going to be changeable in the future. ;)
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