URL Shortener Request

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by 5thblock, Jul 2, 2013.

  1. Offline


    I've built a URL shortener with a JSON API, however I need a Bukkit plugin for it.

    The plugin should have:
    Auto-shortening with http://h4x4.me
    Replacement of the long URL with the short one
    Proper console log error reporting

    The plugin must:
    Add http:// if not already added

    The plugin could have:
    A message indicating what happened to the URL on the first shorten from the user.
    A /shorten command for manual shortening.

    A URL should be detected if it has www. in the front of it, or http://.

    The URL shortener *must* be http://h4x4.me
    Developer Documentation: http://h4x4.me/page/developer
  2. Offline


    Just wondering, why must it use that site to shorten?

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