Upwards Acceleration

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Spudstabber, Nov 14, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    I'm having an issue with launching people upwards with my plugin. setVelocity() affects them the same, no matter the upwards value I enter. A vector of 0, 10, 0 affects them the same as 0, 1000, 0. Is there another way of launching people, or a way of fixing this?
  2. You are using way to high values. The client has a maximum limit at which boost it accepts. 10 is already above that, so changing that to 1000 won't change anything.

    Try stuff like 2 - 5, then you should see the difference.
  3. Offline


    @Spudstabber entities have a max velocity, so to whatever velocity you set it, it will have no effect. For prolonged boosting, use a scheduled task resetting the player velocity every x tick.
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