Updating all signs

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Konkz, Apr 6, 2014.

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    I got a command that would change a value on a sign, depending what the argument
    is given a different sign would change.

    How do I update all signs?

    I tried to make it update on interact event but even when I right click it, it won't update until I replace it.

    I used Vote.update(); - Vote being a sign.
  2. I think that you only need to have the locations of the signs and then you could do something like this:

    public void updateLineOnSign(Location location,String message,int line){
    Sign sign = (Sign) location.getBlock().getHandle();
  3. Did you store the Vote variable? Don't call update on stored BlockState instances and such, unless within a method call. Ensure you get the BlockState/MaterialData/whatever at the moment you want to update, don't use stored ones from last tick or last call.
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