Updated and broke

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by chunkaymonkay, Jun 25, 2016.

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    hey bukkit people I made a plugin and decided to update it right.. and it all worked before and I updated one thing and it all broke here is the pastebin

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    25.06 22:04:12 [Server] INFO java.lang.NullPointerException
    25.06 22:04:12 [Server] INFO at me.eric.ItemMechanics.Attributes.<init>(Attributes.java:269) ~[?:?]

    Something is null it the Attributes class at line 269. Please, try to fix your problem by making figuring out what object is null, and initializing the variable. If the problem persists, post the class.
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    this is my code at like 269

    // Load NBT
    if(nmsStack.getTag() == null) {
    nmsStack.setTag(parent = new NBTTagCompound());
    } else {
    parent = nmsStack.getTag();
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    Last edited: Jun 27, 2016
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    I cant figure this out , I'm stumped , can anyone help me?
  7. Code:
    [*]public Attributes(ItemStack stack)
    [*]    {
    [*]        // Create a CraftItemStack (under the hood)
    [*]        this.nmsStack = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(stack);
    [*]        // Load NBT
    [*]        if (nmsStack.getTag() != null)
    [*]        {
    [*]            nmsStack.getTag();
    [*]        }
    [*]        else
    [*]        {
    [*]            parent = nmsStack.getTag();
    [*]        }
    [*]        // Load attribute list
    [*]        if (parent.hasKey("AttributeModifiers"))
    [*]        {
    [*]            attributes = parent.getList("AttributeModifiers", 0);
    [*]        }
    [*]        else
    [*]        {
    [*]            attributes = new NBTTagList();
    [*]            parent.set("AttributeModifiers", attributes);
    [*]        }
    [*]    }
    Your if statement does this

    if tag is not null
    Get tag and do nothing with it
    If it is null
    Make parent null

    You don't set parent if it isn't null and you make parent null if it is null.
    mine-care likes this.
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    @bwfcwalshy I posted the wrong code this is what it actually is

        // This may be modified
        public net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R2.ItemStack nmsStack;
        private NBTTagCompound parent;
        private NBTTagList attributes;
        public Attributes(ItemStack stack)
            // Create a CraftItemStack (under the hood)
            this.nmsStack = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(stack);
            // Load NBT
            if (nmsStack.getTag() == null)
                nmsStack.setTag(parent = new NBTTagCompound());
                parent = nmsStack.getTag();
            // Load attribute list
            if (parent.hasKey("AttributeModifiers"))
                attributes = parent.getList("AttributeModifiers", 0);
                attributes = new NBTTagList();
                parent.set("AttributeModifiers", attributes);
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
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    Anyone? help please
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