Solved Unsupported major.minor version

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by 87pen, Jan 12, 2016.

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    Is the error. org.bukkit.plugin.InvakudPluginException: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: me/kowagatte/stats/Stats : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 caused by? Me using java 1.8 and the user using java 1.7 or the plugin being for 1.8 and them using it on a 1.7 server?
  2. @87pen Long time I didn't see this error xD, use Java 1.7
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    @Juancomaster1998 AH thanks. It seems mcph uses java 1.7 because only servers running on mcph receive this error with a lot of my plugins.
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    Mark the thread solved please!
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    Around 50 % of the hosts use 1.7, just because
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    Lol that's a nice estimate!

    I always compile plugins with 1.7. Any host using 1.6 is a host I wouldn't consider on using. I do wish most hosts did update to 1.8.
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    According to mcstats, around 60k servers use 1.7, and 80k use 1.8. It's especially nice from expensive hosts. I understand bigger ones don't want to, because ot would take a considerable amount of time, but I always see posts, where people complain about no-name hosts still using 1.7, or you meed to request 1.8, and then hope they see your request.
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