[Unsolved] Help with my port ^_^

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ashour, Jul 18, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Hello im haveing some port weird stuff, its saying something is running on port 25565 but their is no server or other program running im useing mc gui and the regular server runner nothing is working....im useing dyndns tho, i leave the ip area blank, and with hamachi it works for soem reason, but even with hamachi it needs the port to log into the minecraft server from the cleint, can Someone help me ^_^ i used http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ and it said 25565 is closed, i portworwarded with 25565 too :/ anyone ^_^
  2. Offline


    Have you tried shutting down your computer and restarting it? That should fix it (though it's not the elegant solution.)
  3. Offline


    Yes i have like 4 times? what can i use to see what applaction is useing port 25565

    i have netgear btw ^_^

    anyone ^_^

    .. .still not working help? i think its something... nvm i dont know whats wrong :/ im stumped its been like this for like 5days
  4. Offline


    ill help

    What is the name of the modem your isp provided you?
  5. Offline


    Thanks so much ^_^
    at@t dsl (crappy dont make fun of my please :()
    modem? umm its the standerd they hand out LOL router netgear
  6. Offline


    it's an all in one, right?
  7. Offline


    umm yea? what u mean all in one
  8. Offline


    you connect all the computers in your house to that one box, right?
  9. Offline


    correct only 1 desktop 1 netbook :)
  10. Offline


    what is the model name exactly
  11. Offline


    wpn824v3 rangemax

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  14. Offline


    It means that the port forwarding settings didn't stick, try rebooting your router.

    I don't have a mic.
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  16. Offline


    does it work now?
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  21. Offline


    trying to downgrade to 1.6+15 :)

    failed at downgradeing....

    Hey i cant even connect to a friand that has hamachi........... so i think its router side. right after i tried doing dyndn's it messed up? whats going on :( other people can connect to him but not me.... i think its because all my ports are now closed.... how do i open them even if i portwareded them their still not opened thats what each port checker site says. the port is closed even port 80 which should be opepend is closed.......

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  22. Offline


    Try power cycling the router.
  23. Offline


    how do i do that?
  24. Offline


    Turn it off, wait 30 seconds, then turn it on.
  25. Offline


    ok goin do it now!

    Ok done and nothing diffrent cant host on port 25565 i dont have static ip tho btw

    dont work still

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  26. Offline


    im still stuck...... anyone
  27. Offline


    Does anyone know how to bring back the version of the router or "firmware" on a netgear im gonna try this way as its still unsolved
  28. Offline


    Hi, I had a very similar problem to this. I'm on talktalk (UK) but they handed out a router/modem combo free and this exact thing happened. Basically, the ISPs don't want you to touch their stuff so after I eventually managed to figure out how to port forward on it, it still didn't work. The only solution we have found is to buy a new router and modem. This is what I have done.

    With your netgear box, if you go to the manufacturer website, you might be able to re install the firmware or something but the router I was given was Chinese and I'm not sure the manufacturers knew what they were producing so there was nothing i could do.

    I know that's not the solution you were looking for but if you get desperate, you can take that way out.
  29. Offline


    put your ip address on link bar (i don't know the right name in english aniway, is where you put a link) search for port mapping or something like that and open your port manually
  30. Offline


    my modem is atleast 5 years old we stoped survice and we did it so we have only used it for like idk 2years its always on and never off my modem is rangemax priced at in on 120 got it for 50 on a blowout sale on everything my modem shoulkd not interfeir with my router, anyways i do plan on upgradeing my at@t plan to 6mb up and down ^_^ 20 a month they should sent me a new free one and ill see from their if not netgear UHHHHH ur workers are about to hear the maddest person in ur lives. dont get me mad big boi!
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