Two people banned?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by VG.Developments, Dec 29, 2014.

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    Recently I heard 2 players from the bukkit community were banned from some weird reason, anybody know what exactly happened?
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    Apparently they violated the DMCA. But talk to a moderator about it.
  3. I was the one who banned them so i think the answer should come from me.

    @JordyPwner and @xNamesi were banned yesterday at 4PM GMT for distributing the Spigot jar, this is illegal and obviously violates the DMCA. Since this is illegal it was a instant ban for them, they could have been in major trouble if we left it up.
    VG.Developments likes this.
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    The misconception here is that it was because of Spigot, but no it's because of DMCA
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    And you can say that for sure based on?
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    You know the thread by Skionz or something, where you replied, I don't see a reason to do that (referring to locking the thread and/or banning the OP), that's the one.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    That was about the thread itself. Not the persons the thread was about.
  8. Locked, this has been answered now.
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