Two AIR ItemStacks don't equal

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by bensku, May 1, 2014.

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    Title explains my problem quite well. It may sound very strange, and actually it's strange. .toString() representation is same for both ItemStacks, but when I do stack1.equals(stack2), it returns false.
    1. public class CraftEventListener implements Listener {
    2. @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST) //Highest due to CraftingListener
    3. public void onPrepareCraft(PrepareItemCraftEvent event) {
    4. Bukkit.getLogger().info("Debug: PrepareCraftItemEvent catched");
    6. ItemStack[] items = event.getInventory().getContents();
    7. ArrayList<CustomRecipe> recipes = RecipeRegistry.getRecipes();
    9. Bukkit.getLogger().info("Debug: items is " + items.toString());
    10. Bukkit.getLogger().info("Debug: recipes is " + recipes.toString());
    12. for (int i = 0; i < recipes.size(); i++) {
    13. CustomRecipe recipe = recipes.get(i);
    14. Bukkit.getLogger().info("Debug: recipe is " + recipe.toString());
    16. boolean same = true;
    17. for (int i2 = 1; i2 <= 9; i2++) {
    18. Bukkit.getLogger().info("Debug: for loop: i2");
    20. if ( !items[i2].equals(recipe.getReagent(i2)) ) { //PROBLEM HERE
    21. Bukkit.getLogger().info("Debug: break for i2");
    22. Bukkit.getLogger().info("Debug: i2 is " + i2);
    23. Bukkit.getLogger().info("Debug: reagent should be " +
    24. recipe.getReagent(i2));
    25. Bukkit.getLogger().info("Debug: reagent is " + items[i2]);
    27. //If at least one of items isn't same, break
    28. same = false;
    29. break;
    30. }
    32. }
    33. if ( same ) {
    34. //All reagents are same than in recipe, set the result
    35. event.getInventory().setResult(recipe.getResult());
    36. return;
    37. }
    38. }
    39. }
    40. }

    This the part of code where the problem appears. It's part of my own plugin's unreleased dev-version, which should allow custom crafting with custom items as ingredients (called reagents in code).
    When I run this code, I get output:
    [21:04:32 INFO]: Debug: for loop: i2 //For loop have started, all fine now...
    [21:04:32 INFO]: Debug: break for i2
    [21:04:32 INFO]: Debug: i2 is 1 //This isn't related to my problem
    [21:04:32 INFO]: Debug: reagent should be ItemStack{AIR x 0}
    [21:04:32 INFO]: Debug: reagent is ItemStack{AIR x 0}
    So no errors appears. As you can see, the items[i2] and recipe.getReagent(i2) looks exactly same as Strings... But they aren't, as the Debug: break for i2 tells.

    I can't even imagine what could create this kind of problem, so I need to ask help.
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