Tutorial on MiniGames Lib? Please??

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by AdityaTD, Jul 6, 2015.

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    Hey guys, I can't find any good and explaining tutorial on: dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/instances-minigamesapi/ Anyone who can make a good tutorial about it?
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2016
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    No idéa of commenting about you dont know.
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    @AdityaTD @glassbillen @SuperSniper
    To learn how to use it you can:
    • Decompile their code (either the API itself or the minigames)
    • Import that jar into your plugin and search the Minigameslib Class
    I Suggest decompiling. You get to see how and why the plugin works.
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    I'm not making any plugins as i have retired, only reason im here is cause bukkit helped me from zero knowledge to making my own games in java, so as thanks im going here then and then and help peeps.
    To the topic: Use jd-gui or look at theys github.
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    At least I know how to import it and use JDGui but the problem is that I want to learn all it's features. Is there any other API?
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    If you actually want to know what each method does, decomiple.
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