Plugin Request TradeSystem Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by Wrighty25, May 26, 2015.

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    Name of plugin:
    I'd like a plugin to be made that will allow players to trade with each other. Items can be traded in return for money or an item and vice versa. Players can start a trade, accept a trade, counter a trade and decline a trade.

    /trade <Player> <Quantity of item to be traded> <Item name/Money> <Quantity of requested item> <Requested item name/Money>
    /trade counteroffer <Quantity of item to be traded> <Item name/Money> <Quantity of requested item> <Requested item name/Requested money>
    /trade accept - Accept a trade from a player.
    /trade decline - Decline a trade from a player.
    /trade mute <Player> - For staff to mute a player that may be abusing the trade command in any way.
    /trade ignore <Player> - Ignore trades from this player.
    trade.start - Gives player access to /trade, /trade counteroffer, /trade ignore, /trade accept, /trade decline
    trade.* - Gives player access to /trade, /trade counteroffer, /trade ignore, /trade accept, /trade decline and /trade mute
    I'd like the plugin to be made for 1.8.4 please.
    Last edited: May 26, 2015
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Moved to Bukkit alternatives
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