[TP] Wormhole X-Treme - Multi-World capable Stargates - Moved to BukkitDev!

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by lycano, Jul 1, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Wormhole X-Treme v1.016
    Multi-World capable Stargates for bukkit powered servers
    Craftbukkit 1846

    This project has been moved to BukkitDev
    Please visit the new project page on BukkitDev http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/wormhole_x-treme/

    Project moved to BukkitDev

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  2. Offline


    proximity_check_interval, what would happen if the player holding the gate open died? would the gate stay open or shut after the timer?
  3. Offline


    .. Alternative way:

    If Sign Gates are fixed and can have an IRIS ... your persecutor would bounce back as soon as he enters the portal material if you managed to activate the IRIS before he could enter the gate.

    Hint: Cause currently there is no difference between Sign and Dial gates you can sign dial out to whatever gate and type /dial To_a_non_signGate and activate the IRIS there. The haunter would bounce back if you managed to activate the iris in time.

    Edit: If the player died before PROXIMITY_CHECK_INTERVAL and did not respawn the gate would act as "there is no player in range".

    I must admit i dont know if a player who died would have its current location NOT set to his spawnpoint. Have to check that =) But its not intended to check for dead people ^^
  4. Offline


    Working on a new mega gate design with also 8 chevrons:

    The Gate on the Right side is the current one, that I shared the design with. The new one is more fat (4 blocks deep), but has more roundish form and with less spiky design - looks more smoother.

    Some posters said that I should make a 9 chevron gate, but it is really complicated in such proportions and with limited abilities with cubic shapes in mine craft, so for now 8 chevrons are good, besides they used 9th chevron only in Stargate Universe and where did they end up?:D :D :D
  5. Offline


    Looks like its coming along nicely aeron! any possibility of getting a copy once its finished? :D would love to use this in my server :3
  6. Offline


    Hi firstly I have to say love the plugin. I'm just wondering though how to power it by redstone, I set the command to true and I have no idea still lol tried googling and youtubing tutorials but to no avail
  7. Offline


    First of all, LOVE this plugin! Makes travelling on the server SO much more interesting! By far the best teleportation Plugin I've seen!

    Now, please excuse me if this sounds stupid, but it there a way of activating the stargate from further away? Like in the SG1 series, I would like to have a gate room kind of layout, where the gate is in one room, and the controls (Activation, Dial selection and Iris control) are in the other. Is this at all possible?

    Many thanks!
  8. Offline


    @Morg141 , yes it is possible, though you have to make a new 3d shape file with the dialer positioned a lot further away from the gate
  9. Offline


    I don't see this on dev.bukkit.org yet so I'm assuming this is still a valid place for this, I'd like to request a missing feature, the ability for administration to specify the minimum distance between gates.
  10. Offline


    @Morg141 or you use a plate to activate the sign .. but currently (i didnt found a way to track redstone to a player) you will not receive a message to what location it would open the wormhole.

    @soddaminsane open up StandardSignDial.shape ... the layout is well documented and you should find enough help to build your redstone activated gate.
  11. Offline


    In the show, they explained that the wormhole will stay open as long as something is being transmitted. Arificial radio waves were enough. I always assumed that they kept their radios on VOX until they went through. Once through, no more radio transmissions coming in, off goes the gate.
  12. Offline


    My new Megagate wormhole is working, but it has a bug. It doesn't show up Woosh effect on layers above 10, could you increase the layers for 3D shapes to at least 20?

    P.S. I found a way to make a stargate from 2 different materials with World Edit help (It doesn't brake the gate after changing a material :) )


    Before World Edit, the gate was whole from 1 material (obsidian):
    View attachment 7138

    After that I selected the gates area and replaced obsidian with bedrock:
    View attachment 7139

    ... and it works:

    View attachment 7140

    and with more messing around on the shape file (changing the portal material to the default bedrock and with world edit changing the bedrock material to obsidian (including DHD), I got this nice gate, which has chevrons from bedrock while inactive:

    View attachment 7141


    View attachment 7142

    This is at least a minor satisfaction to satisfy me, since Stargate Universe got canceled... at least it lives on in the hearts of all fans of the series :p

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  13. Offline



    A plate to activate the sign? Could you explain this please! I would greatly appreciate it!


    Thanks for the help. Also, a big thanks for your gate design (Posted a couple of pages ago) It is a big hit on my server (All stargates are the Standard ones except SGC of which I use your gate) and I love using it. I can also confirm that WorldEditing the blocks to be different materials does not break the gates (Be careful with the blocks that turn into the chevrons, they will turn back into the original material after they have lit up)
  14. Offline


    @Morg141 , I am glad you like the design I made back then, but sorry, I think I might hang on the second version of the gate and won't share the design, I want them to be unique on my server and everyone loves them, especially because it doesn't require typing /dial to dial a gate, because the new version uses a dial sign with addresses and the switch is located below.
  15. Offline


    @Aeron , Don't worry, I wasn't expecting you too.

    Is there a max block limit or something? Because im making the controls further away by editing it in the .SHAPE and I can get it to spawn the S:A block, but it will not spawn the S:IA or S:RA blocks or even any S blocks.
  16. Offline


    As far as I know, there is a 10 layer limit for 3d portals, then it simply ignores the additional layers. You should try red stone powered
  17. Offline


    Ok can maybe you help me? Why is this not hooking into PEX for me?

                permissions.example: true
            - Owner
                permissions.example: true
            - Owner
                superpermbridge.*: true
            - Owner
                permissions.example: true
            - Admins
                permissions.example: true
            - Admins
                permissions.example: true
            groups: []
                permissions.example: true
            - Trusted
            - Citizen
            - Citizen
            - Citizen
            - Citizen
            - Trusted
            - Citizen
            - Prisoner
            - Citizen
            - Citizen
            - Citizen
            - Citizen
            - Citizen
            - Citizen
            - Citizen
            - Citizen
            - Citizen
                permissions.build: false
                mchat.prefix.Prisoner: true
                mchat.prefix.default: true
                wormhole.simple.use: true
                falsebook.blocks.*: true
                falsebook.cart.*: true
                falsebook.anyic : true
                falsebook.destroy.blocks: true
                commandblocks.use: true
                commandbook.rules: true
                mobarena.arenas.default: true
                mobarena.classes.Archer: true
                mobarena.classes.Knight: true
                mobarena.classes.Tank: true
                mobarena.classes.Cleric: true
                mobarena.classes.Tamer: true
                mobarena.classes.Paladin: true
                mobarena.use.join: true
                mobarena.use.leave: true
                mobarena.use.spectate: true
                mchat.prefix.Citizen: true
                wormhole.simple.use: true
                permissions.build: true
                commandbook.give: true
                commandbook.give.other: true
                commandbook.give.infinite: true
                commandbook.give.stacks: true
                commandbook.give.stacks.unlimited: true
                commandbook.more: true
                commandbook.more.infinite: true
                commandbook.kit.list: true
                commandbook.kit.kits.*: true
                commandbook.biome: true
                commandbook.biome.other: true
                commandbook.home.set: true
                commandbook.home.teleport: true
                commandbook.clear: true
                lockette.user.create.*: true
                supplysign.access: true
                supplysign.access.*: true
                warpz0r.home: true
                warpz0r.sethome: true
                warpz0r.bedhome: true
                movecraft.aircraft.*: true
                movecraft.boat.info: true
                movecraft.boat.sail: true
                movecraft.car.*: true
                SpawnX.spawn: true
            - default
                mchat.prefix.Trusted: true
                wormhole.simple.build: true
                commandbook.who: true
                commandbook.weather: true
                commandbook.teleport: true
                commandbook.teleport.other: true
                commandbook.return: true
                commandbook.warp.teleport: true
                commandbook.warp.teleport.other: true
                commandbook.warp.set: true
                commandbook.msg: true
                commandbook.rocket: true
                commandbook.rocket.other: true
                permissions.*: true
                supplysign.destroy: true
                supplysign.create: true
            - Citizen
                mchat.prefix.Moderator: true
                worldedit.selection: true
                wormhole.simple.remove: true
                wormhole.simple.config: true
                commandblocks.set: true
                commandbook.time: true
                commandbook.time.lock: true
                commandbook.mute: true
                commandbook.thor: true
                commandbook.thor.other: true
                commandbook.kick: true
                commandbook.bans.ban: true
                lockette.admin.create.*: true
                lockette.admin.break: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.region.define.*: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.region.redefine.*: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.region.select.*: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.region.info.*: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.region.addowner.*: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.region.removeowner.*: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.region.addmember.*: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.region.removemember.*: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.region.list: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.region.flag.regions.*: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.region.flag.flags.*: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.region.setpriority.*: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.region.setparent.*: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.region.remove.*: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.reload: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.report: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.report.pastebin: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.*: true
                warpz0r.warp: true
                warpz0r.set: true
                warpz0r.set.cost: true
                warpz0r.remove: true
                warpz0r.list: true
                warpz0r.warpto: true
                warpz0r.worldwarp: true
                warpz0r.worldhome: true
                warpz0r.compasshomewarpz0r.home: true
                warpz0r.sethome: true
                warpz0r.bedhome: true
                warpz0r.compasswarp: true
                warpz0r.compassreset: true
                warpz0r.free.warp: true
                warpz0r.free.setwarp: true
                warpz0r.free.removewarp: true
                warpz0r.free.home: true
                warpz0r.free.sethome: true
                warpz0r.free.bedhome: true
                warpz0r.admin.clearhome: true
                warpz0r.admin.home: true
                warpz0r.admin.sethome: true
                superpermbridge.supplysign.*: true
            - Trusted
                mchat.prefix.Admins: true
                commandbook.spawnmob: true
                commandbook.spawnmob.many: true
                commandbook.*: true
                commandbook.god: true
                lockette.admin.bypass: true
                mobarena.admin.*: true
                mobarena.setup.*: true
                SpawnX.*: true
                creativegates.*: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.region.claim: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.region.redefine.member.*: true
                superpermbridge.worldguard.region.redefine.own.*: true
            - Moderator
                mchat.prefix.Owner: true
                lockette.admin.snoop: true
                vanish.*: true
                superpermbridge.bb.*: true
                superpermbridge.*: true
            - Admins
        build: To build you must ask to be made a Citizen.
    debug: false
  18. Offline


    @but2002 intresting thought ^^ but how do you explain certain moments where radio was transmitted but the gate closed in exchange of more drama? ,) But anyways it wouldnt be the first thing that changed during the episodes (as needed) ^^ e.g. dialing the gate via DHD. Sometimes the chevrons where locked symultaniously and sometimes it tooked some time to lock the chevrons after using the DHD..

    @Aeron nice! Well, yes after the gate is beeing created there is no specific check for the chevrons. Its only "switched" during the dialing phase so you can change it afterwards to whatever. But be aware if you recreate the gate or trigger the self heal method those stones will be reset too. By self heal i mean that particular method that will recreate the gate if some blocks (gate material) are missing.

    @Morg141 honnestly i dont know where the 10 layer limit exactly comes from as i didnt inspected the shape parser that much. In my opinion there shouldn't be a hard limit only a "recommended".

    Because when using > 10 layers and you have many gates (100) on a server that are based on this layout you may have lesser memory available because currently the chunk where a gate is in would be loaded on server start.

    You remember a bug where a gate was not working when no player was in range of the target gate? I think thats why the sticky chunk method was born in earlier builds. Have to check if the target chunk still has to be loaded or not.
  19. Offline


    @lycano Yeah a lot of things changed in the show. Most notably was the fact that the gate only sent things in full chunks. That makes it hard to believe that Teal'c could rappel through the stargate. :p
  20. Offline


    Hmm, last bukkit update (#1337) seems to have broken this plugin, at least in combination with PEX, though I can't get build-in permissions working either. Unless I am op, I get the "error: you lack permission to do this" message... This a problem on my end or is it indeed broken?

    EDIT: nvm, was on my end.
  21. Offline


    I'm getting this error when trying to remove a gate and I can't find any way to delete the gate short of deleting the entire database:
    [SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'wxremove' in plugin WormholeXTreme v1.011
     at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:41)
     at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:163)
     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:353)
     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(NetServerHandler.java:756)
     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.chat(NetServerHandler.java:721)
     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:714)
     at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(Packet3Chat.java:33)
     at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:226)
     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:92)
     at org.getspout.spout.SpoutNetServerHandler.a(SpoutNetServerHandler.java:500)
     at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:464)
     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:374)
     at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:417)
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
     at de.luricos.bukkit.WormholeXTreme.Wormhole.model.Stargate.setupRedstoneDialWire(Stargate.java:1740)
     at de.luricos.bukkit.WormholeXTreme.Wormhole.model.Stargate.setupRedstone(Stargate.java:1722)
     at de.luricos.bukkit.WormholeXTreme.Wormhole.bukkit.commands.CommandUtilities.gateRemove(CommandUtilities.java:129)
     at de.luricos.bukkit.WormholeXTreme.Wormhole.bukkit.commands.WXRemove.onCommand(WXRemove.java:62)
     at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:39)
     ... 13 more
    Is there any way to fix this as it's really annoying?
  22. Offline


    i love this plugin :D , good job on behalf of all of us on our server we use this plugin a lot, keep up the good work!

    i was wondering if there are any good gateshapes that are player made that are any good, we just want a bit more variety.
  23. Offline


    @Jtmzac did you set the gate to redstone afterwards? This would only happen if there is no ActivationBlock for redstone present. You can fix this by typing "/wxt redstone GateName false" then remove the gate.

    If this also doesnt work you can simply open the database with an SQLlite browser and delete the line from the database table called Stargates. Recreate the gate by hitting the lever then remove it via /wxremove (optional with -all param to remove the gate blocks too).

    An SQLlite Browser can be found via mozilla addon search or as free version via http://sqlitebrowser.sourceforge.net/
  24. Offline


    First off...my users just love this plugin. It's actually allowed me to have different worlds based on your user level. Now here's the issue. A small number of my users seem to die when gating from one world to the next. But not when they step thru the gate onto another gate on the same world. And the strange thing is, it's the same users, when they goto different worlds. Like for instance, one user can go to 3 of the worlds, but not the nether (I've disabled portals to the nether and placed a gate instead). But then another user can get to the nether, but not the guest world. All the worlds are 1.8 except for the original world with is 1.7. I don't think this should have anything to do with it, but I'm offering all the info I can. And there aren't any errors popping up in the the error log.

    So, any Ideas?
  25. Offline


    @Zhivotnoya thanks for this detailed information! I have to check that. As you have given everything i need i will test this as you discribed.
  26. Offline


    I just tried the /wxt redstone GateName false command (and yes I know GateName is a parameter and not the actual command) and it just generates another error:
    Show Spoiler
    [SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'wxt' in plugin WormholeXTreme v1.011
     at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:41)
     at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:163)
     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:353)
     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(NetServerHandler.java:756)
     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.chat(NetServerHandler.java:721)
     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:714)
     at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(Packet3Chat.java:33)
     at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:226)
     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:92)
     at org.getspout.spout.SpoutNetServerHandler.a(SpoutNetServerHandler.java:500)
     at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:464)
     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:374)
     at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:417)
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
     at de.luricos.bukkit.WormholeXTreme.Wormhole.model.Stargate.setupRedstoneDialWire(Stargate.java:1740)
     at de.luricos.bukkit.WormholeXTreme.Wormhole.model.Stargate.setupRedstone(Stargate.java:1722)
     at de.luricos.bukkit.WormholeXTreme.Wormhole.bukkit.commands.Wormhole.doRedstone(Wormhole.java:417)
     at de.luricos.bukkit.WormholeXTreme.Wormhole.bukkit.commands.Wormhole.onCommand(Wormhole.java:896)
     at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:39)
     ... 13 more

    I have been using a modified version of the minimalsigndial with an S:RD and it works fine except for when trying to remove it.
    This problem isn't only that gateshape though, the error happens on all gateshapes.
    When I try to destroy the gate it's exactly the same as when I built it and after the /wxremove gatename command the S:N block dissappears and the S: D block reverts back to the text entered when creating the gate unless you punch/interact with it and then it reverts back to selecting an adress.
    After the /wxremove I can destroy all of the gate except the Dialing sign and the lever. I can destroy the blocks they are on though.
    I will have a look at a SQlite browser and fix things that way.
    In case you want to have a look here is the gateshape:
    ms.shape (open)
    # The name for this shape
    # Version 2 of shape files allows for many new things.
    # 3D gates, new format for blocks, woosh and light order etc
    # GateShape now needs "Layer" lines
    # Each Layer requires a #number= and then a newline.
    # Blocks can only be placed into layers.
    # a 2D gate would have only 1 layer.
    # Acceptable blocks are:
    #    [I] = Ignored
    #    [S] = Stargate Material
    #    [P] = Air blocks that will turn into the portal material when activated.
    #    Extra parameters:
    #   --- These parameters are 1 of each per gate ---
    #    :N = Block where the name sign will be created. This is optional.
    #    :EP = Block where players teleport in at. The players feet will be on this block.
    #    :EM = Block where minecarts teleport in at. The minecart wheels will be on this block.
    #    :A = Block where the activation switch is attached to. 1 per gate!
    #           The only restriction is that the block that faces it must be "I" (so nothing is in the way)
    #           The switch will face in the positive layer direction.
    #           In this example the switch will face towards where layer 3 would be (if there was a 3rd layer) 
    #    :D = Block the sign dialer hangs from. Only 1 per gate!
    #           The only restriction is that the block that faces it must be "I" (so nothing is in the way)
    #           This block is not required, so shapes with this block can be either type. (sign or dial)
    #           Without this block a gateshape can only be /dial gate.
    #    :IA = Iris Activation Switch - Not required unless you want to be able to place an Iris on the gate.
    #    IA, D, N, and A cannot be the same block, and none of those can contain W
    #   --- There can be many of these per gate -- (Currently no restriction)
    #    :L = Blocks that will light when gate is activated
    #       Optionally you may add a #number after L to indicate the order it lights.
    #       Defaults to 1 if there is no #
    #    :W = Blocks that will woosh when gate is activated
    #       Optionally you may add a #number after W to indicate the order it wooshes in.
    #       Defaults to 1 if there is no # and the wait between numbers is configurable below. 
    #       After all #s are active it removes them in reverse order but 
    #       if a block is [P:W] the block will stay as portal material until gate is shutdown. 
    #    Redstone Blocks: 
    #   --- There can only be 1 of each of these per gate, and they can-not occupy the same block as anything else ---
    #    [RD] = Redstone activation block. A redstone charge next to this block will activate the gate.
    #           This block requires a :D block for targetting. This block should be on top of a [S] block.
    #    [RS] = Redstone sign dialer cycle block. A redstone charge next to this block will cycle sign targets.
    #           This block requires a :D block for targetting. This block should be on top of a [S] block.
    #    [RA] = Redstone gate Activated block. This block will provide redstone charge when the gate is activated.
    #           This block should be on top of a [S] block.
    # Number of ticks to wait before activating each # of the woosh. 1 tick = ~50ms
    WOOSH_TICKS = 0;
    # Number of ticks to wait before activating each # of the lights. 1 tick = ~50ms
    LIGHT_TICKS = 0;
    # None of the follow materials are required, they will default if not set.
    # Portal material the material the [P] blocks will be when gate is active.
    # Suggested values are as follows: STATIONARY_WATER, STATIONARY_LAVA, PORTAL, and AIR
    # Iris material is the material the [P] block become when iris is active
    # Stargate material is the material the [S] blocks are made of
    # Active material is the material that :L blocks become when gate is active
    # Suggested Values are as follows: GLOWSTONE and GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE
    # Redstone activated is the parameter to allow redstone to/from redstone locations.
  27. Offline


    I have one Question:

    Can I protect my Sign Stargate with a Iris Code? I don't find any way to do this.
  28. Offline


    @GothicChris currently not. Sign Gates are not protectable via Iris cause this isnt fully implemented yet.

    The current logic about iris is attached to dial gates only and this makes it hard to do it before a complete code rewrite.
  29. Offline


    @lycano I have got a problem to make my own Stargateshape... it should be like this:

    If an minecart powers the redstone it shoud dial the target selected in the STARGATELIST
  30. Offline


    thx for the Information :)
  31. Offline


    is there any way to connect this to one of the guild systems so that once your in a guild you can use the network with that guild name?
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