Inactive [TP] TravelPortals 2.2.4 [1.2 betas, etc... see bukkitdev]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by cppchriscpp, Jan 17, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Current version: 2.2.4

    This project is moving to BukkitDev! Go here!
    The information on this post is no longer being maintained. This topic is here for historical reference. I would strongly prefer if BukkitDev were used over this, so that I can keep communication all in one place.

    2.2 brings a few new features and a ton of bug fixes. Most tickets that were open against the plugin are now closed with this release. Check it out over at BukkitDev!

    So, I was thinking the other day about how long it takes to travel from place to place. I figured that portals to the nether would be pretty cool when they work, (oh hey now they do) but I wanted a quick way to get anywhere. /warp works, but that is just too easy for users. As such, I decided to write my own plugin to do this. One day later, enter TravelPortals.


    They're fairly simple to use, though I will admit that I would like a more intuitive interface than using commands. Portals are 3x3, and consist of 6 pieces of obsidian, a door, and a redstone torch for the center. From above, the portal looks like this:
    n o n
    o R o
    n D n
    o is a stack of two obsidian blocks, D is a door, and R is a redstone torch. n can be any block or air. It does not matter. After you have constructed the frame, place a redstone torch at the bottom. It should tell you that you have created a portal, and fill up with water.
    Just add a redstone torch!

    After this, just give the portal a name, and give it the name of another portal for the destination and you're set. As long as the destination portal exists, walking into it will take you straight there. For help in-game, type /portal help.

    Yes, this does work across multiple worlds.

    Using /portal help will list all of the commands in game. The important commands are /portal name, /portal warp, /portal list, and /portal hide.

    Here is a video explaining exactly how to make them, provided by MinecraftZero.

    Old Change Log (open)

    New changes will be shown on the BukkitDev project. This is no longer maintained.
    Recent Changes:
    - Fixed a small world loading issue. If you ever had issues with multiworld worlds not loading right, this build is for you!

    - moved TravelPortals.ser to the data folder (finally)
    - also moved travelportals.txt to data folder
    - more intuitive backup system that should remedy any problems with saves
    -- new configuration variable; lets you define how many backups of the portals to keep. This should make recovery easy if anything ever goes wrong.
    - lots of code fixes - if anyone saw all of the misuse of static in the plugin, it's fixed!
    - A minor typo that may not have even been in a released version of the plugin
    - Gives a user feedback when just using /portal.
    Note: Another build may be released in the coming days, but it will have no new functional updates. I just want to work on the documentation a bit; getting a functional release out seemed more important than this.

    - Cooldown time is now variable. The config option is "cooldown" and the default has been changed to 8.
    - Made hidden portal destinations show up as such.
    - Fixed a small issue with the included config file. Replace or repair yours if you want both door types to work right. The second instance of door needs to be door2.
    - Permissions fix because I goofed up something minor. If you don't use permissions, don't worry about this one.
    - Fix for portals not always triggering in recent versions.
    - /portal info now shows info about nearby portals, or those named. (Permission node:
    - /portal deactivate [name] will deactivate a portal given its name. The physical portal will be untouched, but all data related to it will be deleted. This is op only without permissions, and should only be used for cleanup. (Permission node: travelportals.command.deactivate)
    - /portal export Will export all portals to a text file. The format is: x,y,z,name,destination. There is a new configuration option that will automate this process whenever a portal is made or destroyed.
    - /portal list is now paginated and shows portal destinations. This looks indescribably better than the old version.
    - Support for metal doors is now on by default. There is now a second configuration option for doors - both block types can be used to make a portal. If you do not want this functionality, set the second door type to be the same as your first door type, as laid out in the comments in the new configuration file.
    - Minor changes to the save system; whenever TravelPortals.ser is saved, the older version is moved to TravelPortals_ser.bak, and the new one takes its place. This might help with the random deletions one user referred to. There is also more debugging information available if something happens to go wrong.
    - Migration to the BLOCK_DESTROY hook; I figured this would trigger when a block was destroyed by anything. WRONG. It is more optimal than the alternative, however.
    - Various bug fixes, code cleanup, and user output cleanup.
    - onCommand fix.
    - Block damage fix. (To developers wondering, org.bukkit.block.BlockDamageLevel.BROKEN has become org.bukkit.block.BlockDamageLevel.STOPPED. Your code will compile fine but blocks will not break right.)
    - Configuration file support! (plugins/TravelPortals/config.yml)
    -- Customize the types of blocks used to construct the portal
    - Permissions support (Thanks to Cecer)
    - Minor bug fixes.
    1.2 (and its derivatives)
    - Multiworld support!
    - Various bug fixes.

    Latest Version: Download

    If you want help with this plugin, please provide the following information about your server setup. It will help me figure out what is wrong, and what you or I can do about it. Your failure to include this information in support requests may result in your post being ignored.

    Help Requests (open)

    I receive a good amount of requests for support with this plugin. Some of them are better than others; if you do not want to be part of the second category, I will need some information about your server, and how it is set up. Simply telling me "it doesn't work" does not tell me anything. I run the most recent version of this on my own server with around 60 users; I'm pretty sure it is capable of working in at least some settings.

    Please provide as much of this information as you can reasonably find. If I detail how to get it, I want you to do that!
    - an EXTREMELY detailed description of the problem (Don't spare any words; I don't mind reading)
    - Any errors shown in the console
    - Any errors shown to the client
    - All of the information from /debug info and /plugins
    - Server's CraftBukkit build (go to the console and type /version; provide that.)
    - Any changes in your setup that preceeded the errors
    - Any other details that could be relevant.

    Source code is in the dev.bukkit git repository!

    Please report any bugs via email, or here.

    vrox, kahlilnc, Wind and 2 others like this.
  2. Offline


    I will try this out tomorrow :D
  3. Offline


    Okay, This plugin isn't really working.

    I am using what I believe to be CraftBukkit build 63
    I installed the plugin and when I type "/portal help" it works correctly and lists the help message.

    I construct the portal exactly like the instructions, I'm sure of it.

    Set up like:

    T=Redstone Torch
    D=Wooden Door
    G=Ground (Either Dirt or Grass)

    Top View:

    Side View:

    Front View:

    When I place the Redstone Torch on the grass block (The floor of the "room") it does nothing, If I'm correct it should fill with water, and send a message in chat saying about the created portal, it does neither.

    When I type in /portal name [name] I get the "No Portal found" message
  4. Offline


    Yes, yes it should. I'll look into this more later; I have obligations tonight. Sorry to hear it's messing up for you -- I am fairly certain it is working on my server though. Not sure where the problem is; I'll look at it as soon as I can. Thanks for trying the plugin and I hope we can get it to work for you soon.
  5. Offline


    Okay, Thanks! Apparently I was wrong, I wasn't running 63, But now I am running 76 and it works exactly as advertised! Loving this plugin, excellent job!

    EDIT: I just downloaded and tried build 63, and for the record it does work with build 63 of CraftBukkit,
  6. Offline


    Glad to hear it's working right for you; I was concerned that maybe I goofed somewhere, since it looked like you had it at least mostly right. Let me know if you have any more issues.
  7. Offline


    Here's a couple requests I'd have for this:
    Make portals owned by individual players
    Ability to make portals public/private
    Ability to grant other players to use private portals
  8. Offline


    Been testing this plugin and my users love it.
    We like the fact that someone has to actually build the portal with resources acquired in game. It makes it feel like you had to actually work to get the portal there and it isn't just a "free" travel system. It helps with travel without taking away ALL the work required to get from place to place.

    We're stuck on what enhancements we'd like to see with this. Either what I listed above or required a player to find the portal in game before they were allowed to see it/link it into their own portal system.

    Any plans for more updates/features/enhancements?
  9. Offline


    Very cool. Any chance that portals could be configured (name/destination) via some in game element (signs, maybe) instead of /portal commands?
  10. Offline


    Like stargate? ;) Yeah, and customportals!
  11. Offline


    It's not very, erm... pleasing to look at!

    Could you just make it so you just have to right click the sign and that warps you? Just use two linked signs. Maybe.
  12. Offline


    Alright, apparently I have been getting replies to this without getting the email notifications I signed up for, for whatever reason. Sorry about that; I just figured no one really cared all that much about this.

    So, to start, I do not really intend to do much more with this besides keeping it running with any API changes in the future. (If I get behind on this, post here or send me a pm/email, or otherwise get in contact.) Eventually I may put permission support back in once an official system is in place.

    I like the system certain other plugins have used for private/public warps and the such that is being suggested for this, but at this time I have no intention of implementing such a thing.

    The idea about having to see the portal before being able to use it is an interesting one, but I cannot figure any easy way to implement this, and it conflicts with the simplicity of this plugin at current.

    To the people asking me to turn this into stargate mod, please just contact the people who made stargate mod, and ask them to port that to bukkit. Alternatively, if the source is available, just get going on it yourself. I am not going to entirely change how this system works to be like another plugin; it has its own purpose and uses, and I know that the users I developed this specifically for would not be as much for that.

    As for the signs idea, that would kind of take all effort out of building these. The idea is that they take some hard-to-obtain resources to make. Plus, there are (or were for hmod, no idea if it was ported yet) plugins out there that can make signs execute commands. It would be very easy to implement this using those.

    Sorry to say no to so many of these ideas, but I just do not have time to implement them, and a lot of them would be very hard to implement without breaking all current portals, and in addition changing them drastically from how my users expect them to function. In the future I may look into an idea or two mentioned, but for now do not expect any new and exciting features. I hope the plugin is still enjoyable to you.
  13. Offline

    We have been running your Plugin on our Server for a while, and since Bukkit have been without. All our portals are still built, if we install the bukkit plugin will we need to rebuild and re-name each portal all over again?
  14. Offline


    Yes, it should work fine. It looks for doorwarp.ser in the same folder as before, or at least did. I am not sure if this will be true with the latest versions -- I have had no time to update my plugins for it but know older versions of some of the ones I hold stopped working. They *might* see an update tomorrow if it is necessary. No promises.
  15. Offline


    First off, the plugin is great but there's one thing I noticed. I made a pair of test portals linked to each other and decided to destroy one and shift it over a block. Now when I go through the other portal, it puts me inside the block (where the portal used to be) and damages me. Now that I think about it, I don't recall seeing a "you destroyed a portal" message when I took the portal down.

    Also, could a portal's name (and apparently it's respective traits) be removed from the list once it's destroyed?
  16. Offline


    It is supposed to be -- that problem is worrisome. I will look into it as soon as I am able. It is implemented that way, so I have no idea what the problem is yet.
  17. Offline


    FYI, OP, I believe the "can't place portal blocks directly" was a CraftBukkit bug that was fixed a few dozen revs back. ;) Maybe just give it another go?
  18. Offline


    barghest that's not the problem; it was a problem in hmod too. If I place a portal block, it will always face one direction unless another one is placed right next to it. This works perfectly in normal nether portals, as there are always two portal blocks right next to each other, so they can figure out direction. In my case however, there is no way to re-orient them unless I make the portals bigger than they are. Data values take no effect on their direction.

    Thanks for the idea, but you misunderstand what the actual problem is.
  19. Offline


    You have to put a door too before it will say it works.
  20. Offline


    Where does it store the portals? I'm updating my craftbukkit server and I want to make sure I don't delete the actual warps already existing.
  21. Offline


  22. Offline


    Heh heh, wouldn't be the first time I didn't know what I was talking about. Know what, though - water makes it a little more interesting anyway. Players can implement traps by having a portal with no bottom block - it's more fair with water blocks. If you suspect you're teleporting into a trap, you can hold the swim button. (I know it's not really according with the spirit of the plugin, but I have got some very charming users and I know one has already implemented a trap like this. Fortunately, it "just" drops you into a fiendishly difficult maze. :p )

    This is a great plugin. Simple, quick, does just what it tries to, easy-but-not-too-easy to get the required materials. Perfect.

    I intend to make a "portal nexus" room and redirect all the public portals to it by hand, so you can get anywhere from anywhere via this portal nexus. I think that will both be and look cool so thanks for the opportunity to make that happen as well ;)

    I would like to implement some trickery. I'd like to make at least one and probably more portals that aren't shown in the /portal list function. Call it /portal hide. This would require that if you walked close to the portal, and typed /portal name with no further argument, the portal would tell you its calling name.

    Thusly, you wouldn't know the portal existed unless you SAW it. But once you were right next to it, you could address it at any time, of course, until its name was changed, or even change its name or unhide it, yourself. Heh heh. And this functionality, in my imagination, is not limited - anyone who can use /portal command can do these things. You can see how this could be interesting. ;)

    I request this functionality! And I thank you for making this plugin - all in all it's currently my favorite one, no joke.
  23. Offline


    I like this idea; I will make an attempt to implement it as soon as I am able. The only thing I am not sure of yet is how to make use of current serialization files while adding a hidden attribute to them. I'm sure I'll find a way to make it work; I have one idea of how to do it, but I am sure a better method will surface with some searching.

    Naturally, I will address the issue of blocks not destroying correctly as soon as is reasonably possible. Hopefully soon!
  24. Offline


    Hey cpp didn't expect to see you here. I'm looking to migrate my server to Bukkit and this plugin seems useful :D
  25. Offline


    What's about customportal-support? I like the style of the ServerPort (local)portals:
    On buttonpress, water is between the columns
  26. Offline


    That's interesting; why should I implement something another plugin already does effectively though?
    Also, I'm starting work on the stuff I mentioned; not sure if I'll have time to finish it though.
  27. Offline


    Any chance of an export feature? Maybe '/portal export' that would save an easier-to-read/parse version of doorwarp.ser (json, txt, xml etc.).
  28. Offline


    I love this idea better than using actual hell portals. They are loud and very annoying.
    I'll be testing this today. Thanks :)
  29. Offline


    Sorry for being a complete noob, but what i did was,

    1.Start the start.bat from the craftbukkit, or so i think it is.
    2.This all apeared: 2011-01-31 21:57:45 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.2_01
    2011-01-31 21:57:45 [INFO] Loading properties
    2011-01-31 21:57:45 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on
    2011-01-31 21:57:45 [INFO] Preparing level "City"
    2011-01-31 21:57:45 [INFO] Preparing start region
    2011-01-31 21:57:46 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 36%
    2011-01-31 21:57:47 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 93%
    Could not load TravelPortals location file. Starting with an empty file. If this
    is in error, please check the location of doorwarp.ser!
    TravelPortals version 1.0 is enabled!
    2011-01-31 21:57:47 [INFO] Done! For help, type "help" or "?"
    and i cannot even connect to my server =/....... i tried it on MCadmin, and enabled it, still nothing, i did the /portal, /portal help, etc. Can anyone help me please?...

    FIXED: :p took a while, had to edit alot of stuff and a new folder and files and etc :<
  30. Offline


    Well since the plugin loaded correctly, and yet you cannot even connect to your server, I highly doubt it has anything to do with the plugin. You might want to look at your setup, and your connection settings.

    Also I have not updated this for the new command format due to severe lack of time to do anything. If you're using a version later than #165 you'll have to wait on it still, sorry. (Why must the physical API be changed so frequently and in such a breaking way? Is it really that necessary?)

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