Inactive [TP] MultiWorld v1.9.0 - The easy multi world plugin [1317]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by ferrybig, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. MultiWorld - The easy multi world plugin
    Version: v1.9.0

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    I designed this plugin because the multiworld plugin I was using, no longer was supported. its an easy to use multiworld plugin, and also my first. It support permisions and superperm.

    * support world removing
    * support nether/skylands
    * just a few command for you to remember "/multiworld","/mw","/goto"
    * you can now have creative worlds and survival worlds next to each other (hard to configure this)

    * v1.9.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.8.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.7.1: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.7.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.6.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.5.2: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.5.1: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.5.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.4.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.3.2: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.3.1: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.3.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.2.1: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.2.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.1.2: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.1.1: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.1.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    * v1.0.0: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    permision nodes for permissions Bukkit:
            description: Gives access to all the permissions
                multiworld.admin: true
                multiworld.whitelist: true
            description: The most used permissions
                multiworld.goto: true
                multiworld.list: true
            description: Just the basic permissions
                multiworld.minium: true
                multiworld.getflag: true
                multiworld.creativemode: true
            description: moderator settings
                multiworld.basic: true
                multiworld.setflag: true
                multiworld.reload: true
                multiworld.move: true
            description: admin settings
                multiworld.moderate: true
                multiworld.create: true
                multiworld.remove: true
                multiworld.debug: true
            description: Teleport to a world.
            default: true
            description: list al the worlds.
            default: true
            description: removes a world.
            default: op
            description: Creates a world.
            default: op
            description: save the data.
            default: op
            description: chance the nether portals links.
            default: op
            description: reload the plugin.
            default: op
            description: shows the help text.
            default: true
            description: sets an world option.
            default: op
            description: get an world option.
            default: true
            description: able to get the creative mode at creative worlds.
            default: true
            description: dont get affected at creative worlds.
            default: false
            description: shows debug information about the plugin.
            default: op
            description: move a player to another world.
            default: op
    Show Spoiler
    Show Spoiler
    Show Spoiler
    Show Spoiler
    Show Spoiler
    Show Spoiler
    Flags for "/mw getflag" and "/mw setflag" Note: the flag value can be "true" or "false" (or ("on" or "off") or ("allow" or "deny") or ("yes" or "no"))
    * SpawnMonster - spawn monsters at this world
    * SpawnAnimal - spawn animals at this world
    * PvP - allow pvp at this world
    * RememberSpawn - make the server keep the spawn at its memory
    * CreativeWorld - makes this world creative

    * Add an option to delete the world totally.
    * Add an option to enter the world seed.
    * Make an option to kick al the users from the world before removing it.
    * Add flags to worlds to stop monster spawning and animal spawning.
    * Make an option to save the worlds at the YML format.
    * Add custom language support
    * add support for creative worlds and survivel worlds whit separated invs.
    * make the height of the flatland terrain chancable

    * [med] it can acept tokens like "/" at the file name, what can cause wrong things to happen

    change log:
    version 1.9.0:
    * added 1 new world gen: Planets
    * fixed a bug about the gamemode chancer

    version 1.8.0:
    * stopped support of permissions plugin

    version 1.7.1:
    * tried to fix the bug that cause your game mode not be reverted

    version 1.7.0:
    * Fixed the cause of the following bugs:

    - * [med] it spams errors at the server consule when you try to use not setted portals at worlds when the portal handler is activated at the config
    * [low] it dont say the name of world after creation
    * [low] portals using + creative worlds + unknown world to warp to = error
    - added 2 new commands: "/mw move", "/mw debug"
    - deleted some dublicated code (it was loading config.yml 2 times at startup)
    - added 1 more option at config (its consulelogging.debug and is an boolean(not documented at that file))
    - deleted 1 option at config
    - now it makes its config automaticly

    Show Spoiler
    version 1.6.0:
    * added an option to link nether portals to other custom worlds
    * added new permission: - use the mw link command
    * addded new command
    * rewrote world gen
    * added an custom diffecalty for the custom worlds at config

    version 1.5.2:
    * made the flatland creator less cpu using

    version 1.5.1:
    * fixed the bug at 1.5.0

    version 1.5.0:
    * fixed the bug whit creative mode and admins
    * added 2 new world generators
    * shows an list of world generators if entered it wrong
    * added option to enter the seed when making world
    * [Bug] It have problems loading worlds after server startup.

    version 1.4.0:
    * Added an creative world flag (enable it at the config.yml)
    * Added an option to select the debugging level (chance it at config.yml)
    * added an configuration file "multiworld/config.yml"
    * added 2 new permissions: multiworld.whitelist, multiworld.creativemode
    * automaticly restores the inv if you go from an creative world to an survival world

    version 1.3.2:
    * Fixed the part always setting the pvp flag when you set a flag

    version 1.3.1:
    * fixed the bug that it was showing the world name instead of the enviroment whan using a wrong enviroment
    * fixed the new bug from v 1.3.0

    version 1.3.0:
    * You can now use * as flag name when using "/mw getflag <world> <flag>"
    * New bug: when you use an unknown world, it says the wrong thing

    version 1.2.1:
    * fixed a bug where the flags was been saved at the wrong file

    version 1.2.0:
    * added 3 new permision nodes: multiworld.setflag, multiworld.getflag, multiworld.*;
    * 2 new subcommands: "/mw setflag" and "/mw get flag"
    * fixed the bug that the help screen was using the permission "multiworld.goto" instead of ""

    version 1.1.2
    * Forgot to fix 1 grammar error, now fixed

    version 1.1.1
    * fixed the grammar errors @Ninjag said

    version 1.1.0
    * added /goto as alias for /multiworld goto
    * added alias /mw for /multiworld
    * new permision to see the help screen ""

    version 1.0.0
    * first release of the plugin
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2016
  2. Offline


    Is there a way to make a world invitation only?
  3. Offline


    How would I set up a Creative World beside my survival world? I tried that flag thing and I am server owner with all permissions and when I goto the Creative World, Im still in Survival Mode. Any Help? Thanks!!!!
  4. its hard to configure, you need to enable it ad the config, you need to give the users permission "multiworld.whitelist" add al worlds, and you need to set the flag

    You setted the flag
    You didn't posted an configuration file, so I cant confirm its setted goed at the config
    You didn't sayed the permissions nodes but I except admins to be "multiworld.admin" or "multiworld.*" so that must also good

    I am also thinking of giving it another name

    what do you mean?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  5. How do you make worlds? Like I only saw you type "/multiworld /mw /goto" Lol hmm well I'll try this out

    Hmm... WorldWarp or MultiWorld they both look good but WorldWarp is more specific and you can create your own world.. but I like how MultiWorld you can create specific worlds but this post is not specific enough.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  6. Offline


    hey ferrybig this is my configuration file
    # Simple config for MultiWorld (not longer :p)
    # plugins.creativeworlds: make the creative world flag work
    # plugins.portals: make it able to make portals between worlds
    # logging.debug: true or false
    # difficulty: the difficulty to use on the worlds maded by this plugin
    creativeworlds: true
    portals: false
    difficulty: 1
    debug: false
    and this is in my flags txt document
    and these are my worlds
    I am server owner with ALL permissions and op. When I get on the creative world, it stays in survival mode. Thanks for your help!!!!
  7. /mw create <worldname> [worldgen] [worldseed]
  8. @ferrybig Hey can you fix the lag in other worlds?
    Tell me the recommended ram or cpu you need
  9. can I get the server log when you run the plugin when "debug" is set to true?

    it can help if you turn of the animals/monsters off for that world, setting svae-on to true, and setting "rememberspawn" to false

    I am working on a thread thats better

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  10. Ok :)

    Thanks I turned monsters and animals off but they still spawn in worlds, still since I have worldedit I can do //butcher to kill all animals

    "chancelog" I think it's change log

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  11. it turn of the animal SPAWN, so they stop spawning, but it dont kill them all, this is also for monsters

    I wil fix

    It wil be

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  12. Offline


    can i generate in the future minecraft 1.9 maps with mc 1.8 version, copy the builds and paste to new 1.9 ?
  13. Offline


    How To I Make And Link Teleporters Whenever i Link Worlds It Says:
    The Function You Tried To Use Is Not Enabled, Please Enable It First.
    [Edit] Do* :p
  14. no, my plugin uses thenative minecraft code to make the world

    Open the configuration, enable the portal handler, reload plugin
    then the error is gone

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  15. Offline


    Ty and can i open it in notepad++? (sorry im new to this)
  16. Offline


    idk what it does :( and is it make new world?
  17. you can open it at notepad++ so far as I know
  18. Where do you find this

    Wait nvm I found it

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  19. Offline


    multiworld doesent create a config file and gives an error if i use arguments. using v2.0.0

    nvm had to update bukkit.
  20. I have a prob over here ! When i type in the command: /multiworld creat freebuildworld flatland
    than it give me an occudent error or something like that
  21. can you give the error that appers at the server, and the version of bukkit you using?
  22. I have the error: An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command.

    I use Bukkit Server
  23. I mean the error at the server (full server log) and the exact vrsion of bukkit (/version)
  24. Version Git-Bukkit-0.0.0-1067-g6301507_b1185jnks MC 1.8.1 Craftbukkit

    Do in eed specific plugins ?
  25. you have version 1185 of bukkit
    Try updating bukkit first.
  26. Offline


    Every thing seems to work fine for me, but when I switch worlds it automaticly changes to Creativemode on the creative flatlands world I made, but If I try to go back to my normal world I am still in creative mode.
    any way to force survival on a world?
    that the ONE thing keeping me from using this on my actual server ,the people I play with really want this plugin
  27. Offline


    Hello, Great plugin I really like the generator "planet" it's just what I need!!!
    Few problems though:
    1. When I downloaded the .jar it created a folder all good and well but there i nothing in that folder. Is that supposed to happen?
    2. When I try and create a world it say "internal error" but there is nothing in my folder that would stop me from making a world. However I can use the "/mw list".
    Are there any plugins that clash with this one out of the following list:
    Permissions, BigBrother, CraftbookCicuits, Magic Carpet, Serversave, CookieMonster, Dropchest, CraftbookCommon, Residence, NPCx, Essentials, Voxelport, CFBanner, NoEnderman, MinecraftViewer,Lagmeter, Jail, WorldEdit, EssentialsSpawn, Charicraft, Automessage, EssentialsChat, VanishNoPickup, ChestShops, LWC, Heroes, and Multiworld of course.
  28. is there some errors on the server log when it happend? can you give the server.log when you try it when "debug mode"is true
    EDIT: you need to set the permission "multiworld.creativemode" on al worlds, not only the world they must creative in.

    1. nothing inside the directory can be caused by a bug. do "/mw save" to generate them
    2. do you have the newest craftbukkit?

    ps: it dont work anny longer whit Permissions, it uses "op"and non "op" players

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  29. Offline


    Well when I tried /mw save it said an internal error occurred

    and yes we have the newest craftbucket.
  30. at point 1, can you give the error that apper at the server.log at the time of save
    the failed world making is caused by not able to save the config stuff.
  31. Offline


    Ok that works but the /goto command dosent work for me . Im using bPermissions 1.8.2 if it matters

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