Inactive [TP/MISC/FUN] Pinapp v2 - a revolution in multiworld [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by codename_B, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Keep your stuff in seperate listeners please, that way it'll be neater in onEnable() with a simple config option to choose listeners.
  2. Offline


    I've been adding to your listeners, not rewriting them. But I'll refactor it then. Just not now, internet's so slooow here.
  3. Offline


    Alright :)
    Just for the sake of neatness + working on code if we have different listeners for the different things I would very much prefer it. You can even use your own namespace for your listeners if you like!
  4. Offline


    Let's make a plugin system!! %)
  5. Offline


    I love the idea of team work because it brings out the best in every idea. + its 1 less plugin for me to scroll past on the plugin release section.

    If i can ever get worldguard running with my permissions sytem this is what i need to do what default commands is currently doing for me all i have to find now is a separate inv plugin :/ and well ofc do the impossible and get worldguard running with permissionsbukkit...
  6. Offline


    SuperPerms bridge - job done lol

    I am really looking forward to seeing your work on this - keep me informed :) I'm glad you've found another one of mine you like enough to work with ^^

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  7. Offline


    No No Aready running that the bridge lacks sending the group info that worldguard asks for for its region functions i beleive im not really sure 100% but there is an issue about it not getting the info like it did from permissions 2/3
    Sk8 seems so busy of late that he has no time to work on the very popular plugins bit of a pitty really.
  8. Offline


    I tried getting on IRC but it's tooo much lag.
  9. Offline


    You can pop into my server to chat with me if you like? (still setting it up) or add codename_B on skype
  10. Offline


    Skype is not working too, and I'm not sure that I'll be able to play MP with all that lag.
  11. Offline


    IRC lags?
  12. Offline


    My internet lags.
  13. Offline


    That sucks.
  14. Offline

    Cosmic Break

    awwesome plugin! now i can let my users create portals to other worlds without worry of them bugging out and taking them only to the nether
  15. Offline


    Sounds dirty...can I join ;)
  16. Offline



    No feature requests/bug reports? :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  17. Offline



    Actually I could get to asking my usual random -useless- questions.. any chance of a portal.use node? like to actually use an existing portal to travel to its linked world. Past that you just continue to make all the plugin ideas.. just 100% better and 400x easier to use!
  18. Offline


    Well, I'm still on Permissions 3.16, and a quick test of Pinapp yesterday made me realise the update to Bukkitperms I've been avoiding for a week or two is inevitable. I'll tackle that JOY tomorrow and then give it a proper go.
  19. Offline

    codename_B is the node which does what you are looking for. Next! :p

    It's probably an idea since Permissions 3.16 is now inactive. If you decide to switch to bPermissions I'll be more than happy to help you make the transition.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  20. Offline


    .... /stupidity rofl that will do thanks xD
  21. Offline


    SuperPerms really isn't as bad as everyone makes out. I avoided it and then had no problems changing over. I had to use the bridge provided by PermissionsBukkit because other plugins hadn't updated but that caused no problem. Before anyone starts however, keep the permissions debate out of this thread please :)
  22. Offline


    Heh, I can plug my own plugins in my own thread TYVM ;)
    Generally if its as simple as that, I'll have done your idea, unless your idea is to add MySQL support. Trick is to read the OP :p
    Anyway, glad to hear its working for you!
  23. Offline


    I just get annoyed when the permissions debate takes over and everything becomes off-topic :)
  24. Offline


    I win all permissions debates
    thehutch, Addicust and EdTheLoon like this.
  25. Offline


    This plugin looks really really cool, but I have a couple of question on the way it works.
    (I haven't tried it yet, I'm looking for a "suite" of plugins I'll need for a new server)

    When you say "auto generates a home portal", do you mean the portal on the other end that you need to take to get back where you started?
    I suppose that this new portal is automatically made out of the blocs needed for that "direction" of teleportation?

    Also, would I need another plugin to manage my different worlds (like load/list/etc) or will this plugin be enough?
  26. Offline


    That is correct.

    No, this has multi-world management as well as support for custom WGENs built in.

    Is all this not clear from the OP? How can I make it more clear?

    Your help is appreciated :)
  27. Offline


    I just wanted to make sure.
    I hate installing something and realizing it doesn't do quite what I though it would.

  28. Offline


    I absoloutly love this plugin now. Replacing Multiverse with it. Multiverse was waaay too big, waaay too complex, and waaay too many commands.
  29. Offline


    Agreed With the guy above me. This is on my download list for my next major swap around with the core of my server so over default commands he is far too slow at updating to the RB's

    CodenameB do you have a basic admin commands plugin? Iv had no problems with any of your plugins before. Edit if you dont im more than willing to make my own iv been trying to learn java for a while now Would you help me if i jumped in ur irc. I have tons of noob questions. :)
  30. Offline


    Use CommandBook's dev builds from They're safe and stable.

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