Inactive [TP/GENERAL] MzeHome v1.6 [1.3.1-R1.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by mze9412, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Offline



    This plugin is specially tailored for my own Bukkit server (private, on invite only). We wanted to have homes for each world and /home would only take you home inside the specific world you are at. In addition there are no homes in the Nether or in The End. There is also a 3 hour cooldown (soon to be configurable) on each /home use.

    If you die you respawn at your home in that world. If you die in the nether or The End you will respawn at one of your homes at random. Also your coordinates and the world name are shown to everyone on the server if you die ... ;)

    >>>Bukkit Dev Page<<<

    Current Version
    MzeHome 1.6, released 2012-08-08
    >>>Files on Bukkit Dev<<<

    See Bukkit Dev Changelog Page

    /sethome - to set your home at the current position you are standing at
    /home - teleport to your home in your current world
    /listhomes - get a list of all your homes

    This plugin uses the standard permissions system provided by bukkit. By default all users have permission to use the three commands.
    Important: Permissions are no longer given by default, they need to be assigned to each user or group! If you want the old default behaviour assign mze.home.*

    mze.home.use - use /home
    mze.home.set - use /sethome
    mze.home.list - use /listhomes
    mze.home.* - allow/deny all user level commands
    mze.home.nocooldown - allow use of /home without cooldown. This is not included in mze.home.*
    mze.home.foreign.use - use other players's homes
    mze.home.foreign.list - list other players' homes
    mze.home.foreign.* - allow/deny all foreign permissions

    The config file contains three settings. If no config file exists it will be created on first start with the plugin.
    enabled specifies of the plugin is on or off
    cooldown is the cooldown in seconds. Default is 10800 = 180 minutes
    noHomesMessage is the message displayed when you list your homes and have none
    welcomeMessage is the message displayed to the user when using /home
    showDeathMessage: set to false if you do not want a message when a player dies
    World name mapping
    The file worldMapping.conf will be created in the plugin's data directory. You can enter name mappings into the file to make the plugin display nicer world names. It has the formal of "name=displayname" and takes one of these mappings per line. The display names are used in the /listhomes display and in the death message.
  2. Hey <(^^)> does it work on 1.2.3 R.02 ? :)
  3. Offline


    Yes it does (I use it on that version all the time). You might encounter an error if you are not using Java 1.7. I will fix this tomorrow or on tuesday!
  4. Offline


    Great mod, but a config file is much needed. I would like to 1.) change the 'welcome home, honey!' message, and 2.) lower cooldown to 15 minutes. Also, I would really appreciate it if you could make a /setspawn sort of command to set a world spawn point for all players. I can't seem to find a decent mod for that.
  5. Offline


    Thanks for the feedback :) I plan on adding localization so you can change the message :D My players also complain because they would like to have them in German ;) Cooldown times will be configurable shortly!

    For /setspawn I would recommend using a different plugin. MyWorlds has a command for that (which is what I use).
  6. Offline


    I just released version 1.2 with config file support :)
  7. question:
    why people keep making home plugins?

    Best possible home plugins u can get is from Essentials (my opinion) , u have cooldowns and all there.
  8. Offline


    Simple: It helps learning the bukkit API and (for me the main reason) it does exactly what I want and need for my own server. Essentials has nice stuff, but not what I want or need. :)
  9. Offline


    Just as an update: MzeHome 1.2 is compatible with 1.2.4-R1.0
  10. Offline


    Hey ! I love this plugin , it's super efficente ! But could you put up multipe homes ?
    Like /sethome - set home
    /sethome 2 -set home 2
    And add to the config.yml the number of homes max and/or a permission node to set the numbers of homes that peoples can have !
    Thanks !
  11. Offline


    I would really appreciate it if you could make a /setspawn sort of command to set a world spawn point for all players. I can't seem to find a decent mod for that.[​IMG]
  12. Offline


    I will think about this. It goes directly against the goal I have set myself with this plugin so don't expect this soon, ok? :)

    I use My Worlds as a Multiworld plugin and it also offers a set spawn functionality and can be used without any additional worlds next to the default world + nether + end. Maybe try that one? Here is the link:

    Update to version 1.3 (compatibility with RB 1.2.5-R1.0)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  13. Offline


    Well , ok . It's a great plugin , thanks again !
  14. Offline


    Excellent plugin, no problems at all. Thank you very much! Just what my server needed
  15. Offline



    I just uploaded version 1.4 which adresses several wished I received :)
  16. Offline


    I just uploaded a fix for a small glitch!
  17. Offline


    if you use /home can you put a name of a house so you teleport to that specific home?
  18. Offline


    No, sorry :) This plugin is designed so that you can have exactly one home per normal world (no home in nether/end). /home always brings you back to your home in the world you are standing it. Multiple homes per world or selection of the home to go to is and will not be possible :)
  19. Offline


    Updates to version 1.4.2 (should be available soon in Bukkit Dev). New feature: Show remaining cooldown in /listhomes.
  20. Offline


    great pluggin ty
  21. Offline



    And I can confirm that this plugin works with 1.2.5-R2.0!
  22. Offline


    Updated to 1.5 :) Support for 1.2.5-R3.0 and some new features (see changelog in Bukkit Dev)
  23. Offline


    hello! i really wanna use this plugin but for some odd reason when ever i use /sethome or any of the other commands i get a syntex error. says simply type (/home, /sethome, etc.) to set home
  24. Offline


    That is strange. Do you have the correct permissions assigned?
  25. Offline


    yeah i only have two permission groups, default and admin. I basically just run a little server for my friends and I. I want them to use all the mods but not be able to spawn stuff or have admin powers so under my default group i use the mze.home.* permission node and my admin inherits the default group and neither me (admin) or my user can use it. For now im using a old out of date bed tp mod. I wanna use yours though i love the CD feature. having the ability to type /bed at first sign of danger makes the game less exciting but if it had a CD of 1-2 hours it would be perfect haha. let me know if you need anything!
  26. Offline


  27. Offline


  28. Offline


    Yea, I get the syntax error aswell.
  29. Offline


    I found the problem and will fix it ASAP and upload 1.5.1 today!

    To make it work open the config.yml file and remove all ' ' around the values. I create the file incorrectly with 1.5 :(

    I fixed it and uploaded 1.5.1 to bukkit dev. It will be available there as soon as it has been approved!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  30. Offline


    ok cool. i removed the ' ' and now it says sorry you cant use that command lol. i have mze.home.set and use in my permissions =[[ ill mess around with it for a little bit

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