I need a plugin that broadcasts when people use the commands teleport to certain places (e.g. /tp, /warp, /home) [Server] %name% went home! (/home) [Server] %name% teleported to %name%! (/tp) [Server] %name% went to %name% by request! (/tpa, /tpahere) [Server] %name% warped to %warp%! [Server] %name% went to spawn! All messages can be edited, and the prefix ([Server]) can also be changed to [Fart] or [Creeper] Bump. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Yes, please. Also keep in mind to include all forms of teleports according to Essentials like TPA, Warp, Spawn, Home, etc. Also make sure that this plugin is incredibly configurable
Should only take a couple days. By incredibly configurable do you mean customizing messages and such? Edit: Would you like this plugin do be public or private? Either in fine with me, I do requests for experience and for fun
Incredibly configurable which means you can change the prefix (as in [Server]) messages, etc. Public would be nice, I would like this plugin open to anyone and everyone. Btw, ty for this. ^.^
/spawn, /home, /tpa, /tpahere, /warp, /back, /jump, /tp, /tpaccept, /tpdeny, the rest i might have forgotten: http://ess.khhq.net/wiki/Command_Reference go to teleportation section.
Sorry about forgetting about this. I actually made most of it, but I recently tried to work on it more and figured out that all the files are messed us and the whole project is basically lost. Hopefully someone else can take this up.