Hi, I currently run a server and i use towny. Only the OP's can build. It won't let anyone else build anything at all. Can anyone help? Thank you!
Have you set permissions correct? http://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/towny/wiki/PermissionNodes I would assume you need to give players "towny.wild.build" and "towny.wild.destroy" permission nodes. Check that link for more detailed permissions info.
I dont even have permissions. I have the file, but its empty. Could you by chance, if its not too much of a bother, post the exact thing to put in the permissions file? I'm not the best at this.
For bukkit own permissions system, take look here: http://wiki.bukkit.org/Setting_Up_Bukkit_Permission, and for quick example image: http://wiki.bukkit.org/images/2/24/BukkitPermissionsExample.png, So you would need to setup those permissions nodes under "groups" => "default". Example node would be "towny.wild.build: true". Unfortunately since dont have any exprience with Bukkit own permission file this is best I can come up with :/ I can suggest to try out http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admn-dev-permissionsex-pe-v1-19-2-tomorrow-is-today-1-2-5-r2-0.18140/ to handle permissions, personally I love it and its quite simple after small learning curve.