to use essentials or not?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by tanveergt5, Jun 19, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    I just don't understand whether I should, howmany plugins would it cut down?
    I have 51 plugins. Is it more baggage/problem or less of a nightmare to deal with than craftbook which has to be 5-10 plugins to cover up for its lack of commands?

    edit: here is my pastebin of WG report
  2. Offline


    yes but the question is, would I need essentials and what are benefits specfically for my server, you see the list I posted above? will it cut down on plugins or will it make a mess with the current combiniation
  3. you could probably lose AutoSaveWorld. essentials has that feature built in under backups. just put save-all in as a backup option.
    the rest of them, i think you should look through them and decide: do i really need that?
    doesn't that do basically the same job as <plugin>
  4. Offline


    Howmany plugins does essentials have ? and is it light wieght? I use commandbook atm, looking to scrap quite a lot of plugins like lieght wieght back, the tool repair command etc
  5. Offline


    You can pick and choose what you want to run. I run the following:
    • Essentials
    • EssentialsChat
    • EssentialsGeoIP
    • EssentialsSpawn
    • GroupManager
  6. Offline


    essentials has the back command, you can give permission on death or not, you can do /fix to repair items, it has a save functie.
  7. Offline


    anything extra? I plan to use herochat/vault/boseconomy either way, what else is there that I could cut down on plugins with?
  8. Offline


    ToolRepair - Essentials would replace this with it's /repair command
    warptastic - Essentials has a built-in warp sysyem with your choice of by-perms or not, as well as warp signs
    Simple Suffix - GroupManager, baby, all the way. It has both Prefix AND Suffix choices
    Light Weight Back - I assume this is the /back command, also an Essentials offer
    Enchanter - if this isn't breaking natural enchantment levels, essentials can do /enchant
    VanishNoPacket - Essentials has this, WITHOUT the annoying-ass lightning!
    PermissionsEx - GroupManager. Better. It's as simple as that
    AutoSaveWorld - Essentials does that
    Simple Flight - If this is a /fly command, Essentials does that too
    BOSEconomy - Why BOSE specifically? If you don't have a great reason, Essentials does that too
    SetRankPEX - Remember how I said GM is better?

    That's 11 plugins listed that you can replace with Essentials, and Essentials takes up at most 10 plugin tops, and is incredibly lightweight. The features I told you about don't even require all of the 7 nodes I use on my server, and using CommandBook to compare with Essentials isn't any good sign, CommandBook is a BEAST by comparison when it comes to lag.
  9. Offline


    Hes right buddy, use essentials good luck.
  10. Offline


    FYI: essentials can enchant above natural enchant levels if unsafe-enchants in config is enabled, and VNP lightning only appears if you give * or the specific node.
  11. Offline


    I am aware, my point was that it did those things, enchanting by default is safe and most people don't notice the unsafe enchants setting, so they use external plugins anyway.
    Essentials does it without worry of the lightning, and would cut down one more plugin he has
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