TIPS if patched your client to 1.3

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Vaupell, Feb 22, 2011.

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    No point makeing a post saying bukkit does not work..
    Bukkit, craftbukkit is not really developed by Majong.

    So instead

    Start "single" player and experiment with all thats new,
    check out the new features..

    Delete a world, if u got room make a new and just enjoy the new patch.
    Eventually proberly allready tonight bukkit will have a update working with 1.3.

    Be happy, not sad about the 1.3

    I am thrilled about the 1.3 (but i have "backedup" my .minecraft folder) before patching
    so i can rollback if needed :D

    Have fun, relax its just a entertainment form.

    Do you have more tips ? Post them below !!!
  2. Offline


    Stop making threads about CB's outdated.
  3. Offline


    this is a good tip
  4. Offline


    omg this is some funny shi*
  5. Im happy about the new save format and betterlight.
  6. Offline


    Times when your main map (especially for RP, or other persistent world servers) is a great time for things such as:
    - Survival Island
    - Giving your players TNT and having a fort-war
    - Checking with your playerbase about things they'd like to do when it comes back
    - Inviting everybody from IRC for a quick-building session
    - Writing up any documentation you planned for the server - help guides, server topics, website content etc.
    - Testing new building methods
    - Having a "quest to find the x or y" style adventures from spawn
    - Hide and Seek
    - Everything else you felt like doing, but didn't because of the rules of your normal server

    The most important thing I can mention is:
    Let your players know what's going on
    Let your players know where they can find the information (links to the bukkit site etc.)
    Chat to your players often, in-game, steam, skype or anything else
    If your players know you're doing your best to get it working quickly, you'll have no problem keeping them on your server.
  7. Offline


    Get some fresh air(lol i know xD) Sleep eat and relax until bukkit is ready! Then u got energy to play again :]

    Or go visit your mom for once . . .
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