
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by chriztopia, Oct 2, 2012.

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    I am wanting to get something setup where its based on a certain time. such as a player can select to use 1 month.... or 1 year. I attempted to use the system time in milliseconds but you cant go over like 20 days. I am looking for a good solution and I prefer not to use hash maps if possible. So basically i am asking for a solution to track time.
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    Sagacious_Zed Bukkit Docs

    Reported system time in milliseconds is the milliseconds from january 1st 1970, you should be able to specify a date upto the year 292,278,994

    And to react to things in the future, you should be scheduling a task with the Scheduler

    EDIT: fixed math
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    One problem i am having using milliseconds is When I save the time to the config file it will only save 13 Char. and no more.
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    You can divide it into days, hours, minutes, etc....
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