Tickets created don't send notifications on replies?

Discussion in 'BukkitDev Information and Feedback' started by ZachBora, Feb 21, 2013.

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    I don't usually have a need to (plugins work great), but yesterday I created a ticket on another plugin. I was expected a reply but did not get any email about it.
    I just checked the ticket to see if someone replied and they did.

    Why wouldn't the system automatically notify me of replies to that ticket?

    After learning this, it explains me why I have so many replied tickets on my plugin without the requester further replying.

    If it's because I didn't register to something, it shouldn't be this way. I shouldn't need to register notifications to every plugin manually.
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    No, it does not do that, currently. A better notification system is planned.
    blablubbabc likes this.
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