Thunder fire bug

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Goty_Metal, Dec 16, 2012.

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  1. When i strike a thunder, and cancel the fire event, the fire gets bugged, it don't burns you, but the block is visible, also if you try to destroy the fire block the block below get destroyed instead the fire onw (which gets destroyed too).
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    im pretty sure this is a minecraft bug. Ghost fires appear upon lighting strike.
  3. I know... but this bug exists since 1.2.5 , why is not solved yet?
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    minecraft has been busy fixing bugs since 1.4, hope they will fix this one as well :3
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    Ammar Askar

    Yeah, this is indeed a client side bug. One way to work around it is to strike the lightning one block above, i.e the air above your target block.
  6. another fix can be making a delayed 1 tick task to set the block to air where the fire was if there's already air
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