TheSocialNetwork Local - Translators Needed!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by cheese5505, Dec 21, 2011.

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    As you may know, I am one of the developers working on TheSocialNetwork (Lead web dev), and we are currently adding language support to the local web interface. We are now looking for people to translate it into other languages. The English file is here, and when you are done (If you do it), just send a message to me with it.

    Thanks, cheese5505.

    The File: (I would of put it on something, but it is php, so I couldnt.)

    /* This is the language sheet, take it and translate it if you want to, then post it on our thread on bukkit. */

    $name "en_uk"// The language short-code. eg. en_US
    $author "David Cole (cheese5505)"// Your name and/or bukkit username
    $description "This is the main language sheet"// A description of the file. eg. The main language sheet.
    $language "English"// And finally the language. eg. English

    $tsn_name "TheSocialNetwork";
    $query_error "There was a error while querying the database!";
    $home_welcome = array(
    "pt1" => "Welcome to ",
    "pt2" => "'s SocialNetwork Panel!"
    $correct_url "Please enter a correct URL!";
    $links_above "Links are above.";
    $news_latest "Latest news:";
    $footer_message "Copyright X-Developers For TheSocialNetwork and David Cole for the Web Interface and Java";
    $cheese_create "Created by cheese5505!";
    $not_logged_in "You are not logged in!";
    $header_login = array(
    "login" => "Login",
    "register" => "Register"
    $links_name = array(
    "home" => "Home",
    "timeline" => "Timeline",
    "people" => "People",
    "to_home" => "Go to the home page",
    "to_timeline" => "Go to the timeline page",
    "to_people" => "Go to the people page"
    $latest_people "Latest People:";
    $latest_message "This is the latest people page, where a list of the latest 5 people to join are.";
    $latest_all "All People";
    $latest_allmessage "Latest members";
    $login_user "Username: ";
    $login_pass "Password: ";
    $login_name "Login";
    $continue_login_incorrect "Incorrect username or password.";
    $continue_login_correct "You have been logged in.";
    $continue_login_allfields "Please enter your username and password";
    $messages_your "Your Messages:";
    $messages_from "From:";
    $messages_title "Title:";
    $messages_sent "Date Sent:";
    $messages_read "Been Read:";
    $allpeople_title "People:";
    $allpeople_message "This is the people page, where a list of people are.";
    $allpeople_latest "Latest People";
    $allpeople_latestmsg "Latest Members";
    $register_messages = array(
    "pt1" => "To sign up go onto ",
    "pt2" => " and say /tsnregister [password] (Without sq-brackets. The password can be anything.)"
    $timeline_title "Timeline";
    $timeline_message "This page shows you some of the latest activity on TheSocialNetwork";
    $script_latest_people_error "No people found!";
    $script_people_error "No events found!";
    $script_people_user "Username:";
    $script_timeline_friends " is now friends with ";
    $script_timelime_error "No events found!";
    $language_change "Change Your Language:";
    $lang_change "Your language has been changed!";

    1. Added a new field.
    2. Removed a field.
    3. 2 New fields.

    Languages done:
    Canadian French
  2. Offline


    Why not use a translator? Probably not Google Translate, except for common languages, like Spanish, because some languages it messes up a bit.
  3. Offline


    Because, those are mostly wrong. I want to get it from the people.
  4. Offline


    Alright. I'm just saying, I don't think very many languages are gonna be translated from people. Probably just a few common languages.
  5. Offline


    I know. The rest I will just translate.
  6. Offline


    Okay then.
  7. Offline


    norwegian submitted (ages ago!)
  8. Offline


    We are still looking for help!
  9. Offline


    Uhm, you can't translate this into swedish... You need more info on what it means. Like "people", there's like 5 different things for this, you need a sentence to put it into for it to work..!
  10. Offline


    I May be able to help you with proper french, but Canadian should be fine, everyone I know reads it just well, textually it varies only slightly, well, depending on whose eyes are looking at it.
  11. Offline


    We have already translated this into sweedish :p

    How is Canadian French and french different?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2016
  12. Offline


    *sigh* You obviously don't travel much/are very young....
  13. Offline


    cheese5505 : a LOT. Canadian French and French are like Australian English and American English.
  14. Offline



    :eek: Could you translate to French? Already got Canadian French.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2016
  15. Offline


    Thank you for not making me explain that to him. I commend you good Sir. You deserve an Internet. However 'Written' there isn't THAT much difference, more just spoken.
    cheese5505 How much is there to translate? It's likely not worth doing both.
  16. Offline


    Oh, ok. Well, if there's nothing different in the writing, there's really no point.
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