Problem/Bug The received string length is longer than the maximum allowed (36 > 16)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by _ShankkArmy_, Dec 30, 2018.

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    Basically, I started a VANILLA minecraft server so I could mod it and set everything up, ranks etc for my friend so when he comes on, the ranks are already done and ready. But I am trying to log on and its not working. All I get is the same thing, The received string length is longer than the maximum allowed (36 > 16) . In console it says, "[INFO] Tehc__ logged in at (-91.39640662005812, 69.49390748022948, 71.08876194983448)
    [INFO] Tehc__ joined the game
    [INFO] Tehc__ lost connection: Disconnected
    [INFO] Tehc__ left the game".

    I do not understand why this is happening now. I've only downloaded and re-uploaded the world folder with an edit that has a scoreboard and some teams for the setting up part. I didn't do anything else, other than what I had just mentioned.
  2. Offline


    Do you have vanilla, spigot or bukkit running on your server?
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