The Poll Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by UnseenMC Network, Nov 15, 2015.

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  1. Plugin category: Voting

    Suggested name: PollsFREE

    What I want: I would like a poll plugin. When you join the server the motd is presented to you and you are presented with a poll below it with configurable messages (100%) and a sound plays when it pops up. I would like it to be clickable. When you click on one of the options (configurable) it will play another sound and run a configurable amount of commands.

    Ideas for commands:
    - /poll reload

    Ideas for permissions:
    - /poll reload poll.reload
    - poll.use

    When I'd like it by: Soon!
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  3. Thank You! :D I have a feeling this will be very helpful to many server owners!
    Thanks Again!
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    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2015
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    @UnseenMC Network Lol, that was fail on my part. Config auto-generated and then broke because i used an apostrophe in a sentence inside single quotes (apostrophes). Just change any lines with apostrophes to use double quotes instead of single quotes.
  6. Ok! I am just wondering, is this problem fixed? I do not have the ability to change the code on my computer right now. Can I have an updated download link? :)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    You can edit the config yourself in the server.
  8. Offline


    @UnseenMC Network I meant that last line as an instruction. The auto generated config is broken, and all you have to do is edit the config.yml file. In the event that something about the plugin is broken, the previously posted link will always point to the latest version.
  9. mmm. Ok but when I do remove the ' from the config files and restart my server it still doesn't work. I can post an error log if needed to but when I run /polls it gives me this:
    Any Help?
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    @UnseenMC Network Hmm. What version of Minecraft are you using? I was using the sendRawMessage() to attempt to make it look like the command does not exist for someone trying to cheat the system. And /poll shouldn't do anything, only /poll reload. Also, please do post an error log.
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    That method isn't used for JSON. There isn't any way to directly send json messages with the Bukkit API. You have to use NMS or send the JSON via /tellraw
  12. Offline


    @UnseenMC Network You may not have understood my request. Here is a line in the config:
    poll: 'What's 9 + 10?'
    Change to this:
    poll: "What's 9 + 10?"
    Just change all the single quotes to double quotes.
  13. Offline


    What's wrong with fixing your plugin?
    Mrs. bwfctower likes this.
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    @UnseenMC Network Fixed the problems, either delete the config or edit as described. And /poll itself won't do anything, you have to do /poll reload.

    Edit: @teej107 Didn't see you there, but did it anyway.
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    @UnseenMC Network Then redownload the plugin. I have updated it to no longer have the faulty config.
  16. ok :)
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    idk if its just me but I don't see anything after the word output.
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