The Lord Of The Craft ~ Looking for a Plugin Developer

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by availer, Jun 25, 2011.

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    Hello there,

    I am Availer, lead developer of The Lord Of The Craft. We're a premuim RP server with a deep lore, entrancing story and a vast beautiful world. We have a slot limit of 150 and are aiming for 300. Without a doubt we believe we are easily the best Minecraft server on the planet. Just ask our players.

    We are looking for plugin developers who will continue producing custom plugins for the server. It is a great oppourtunity for developers to develop their skills and work with a talented team.

    If you are interested, please go to this link.
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    thanks jayjay but i guess i wont ill just make plugins for the bukkit community
  5. Offline


    That's a shame =/
  6. Offline

    Connor Mahaffey

    It'd be great if you could give us an example of a plugin you'd like to have made so that we could assess the difficulty and time necessary a little bit better.

    Also, are you looking for a dev to exclusively develop for you, or would his/her apps also become available on bukkit at release (or some time afterward).
  7. Offline


    minecraft currency for RL cash - hows the economy handle that?
  8. Offline


    How would the economy start anyway? Do you make money from dirt? We're not just a random server. We think about every single addition to the server. We probably have the most realistic and dynamic economy on Minecraft.
  9. Offline


    Realism is tossed out the window when you sell in game currency for cash....
    Anywho, you could start a currency by having skeletons/zombies drop coin.
  10. Offline


    they do
  11. Offline


    While I think both of your servers are magnificent, I have to go with @Kainzo on this one...
    You can't claim to have 'one of the most realistic/dynamic economies' if you're trading in real life cash for Minecraft currency. It doesn't really work like that :/
  12. Offline


    That's fine, I respect your opinion on that matter. But if you had actually experienced how the server started you will realise how much of a boost that gave to the economy at the start.

    It created Jobs for people,
    It allowed people to purchase homes,
    It created an economy based on the rich buying from the poor,
    This slowly balanced out the economy,

    Trust me, it worked. You don't really know the concept of real life economy, why dont you do some research on how banks work and how interest is devised, it's pretty much money from nowhere, but thats how it works.

    That's your choice. It will depend on how we wish the game mechanics to develop into.
  13. Offline


    It would be awesome if your plugins were exclusive to us but we are not going to throw a fit if you release them for general useage we're all fine on that =]
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