This probably isn't the right place for this, but I couldn't find a suggestion thread so here we stand. I must say, I would greatly appreciate it if the old console and user functions of hMod were restored. I liked being able to assign people to different groups with different access to commands. I liked putting griefers in a group that wasn't allowed to build or destroy. It was also quite nice having commands like /home and /spawn and /warp so I didn't have to take so much time to travel and I could find my constructs so easily. I would really appreciate if these were incorporated back into the shell, not a plugin but actually in the shell, so I don't lose so much functionality when I shut down the old hMod servers and upgrade to Bukkit and so I'm not worrying about the functional capacity of my console, knowing that it's safe and sound in the shell and I won't have to wait for a plugin developer to fix it.
Everything in Bukkit is plugin-based. You don't have any of those hMod-style commands because you're probably running Bukkit with no plugins (there really isn't a point to doing that). Download a "default commands" plugin and the Permissions plugin. From what you're talking about, you'd probably be more than happy with just the Essentials plugin suite, but there are other implementations.
The point of Bukkit was to learn from the mistakes of hMod. Adding built-in /home or /warp commands is just moving back in the direction of hMod, which is something the Bukkit team has no interest in doing.
The difference between hMod and Bukkit is that hMod has been around for a longer time than us, so they don't have to work on giving Plugin Developers access to the things they need to make awesome plugins. We do. Once we've gotten all this in, or maybe even sooner, we're planning to put together a starter package that would provide CraftBukkit + a collection of plugins that would provide you with similar, if not more, functionality than hMod did out of the box. I agree that we could be doing more to provide people an incentive to switch from hMod, but we're not at that stage yet.
Why not slightly more built in features? At LEAST add built in groups/users permissions system like CanaryMod (the forked hMod) /hMod has
I can see the idea of not implementing a group/permission into bukkit, and leave it up the the plugin developers to create the system they need. On the other side a group/permission system is something that "all" bukkit servers need, and having multiple plugins, need to support each other and so on is a mess I loved hMod, but its "dead", using Bukkit now and i love it just as much and specially the plugin support! I dont even look for alternatives and forked versions of hMod.
@EvilSeph Do we have any type of status or eta on permissions? Out of all of the default features, this one is needed badly. There are easily 3 or 4 popular permissions plugins and a source of most peoples anguish when setting up a new server.
I don't really need "out of the box" plugins. It would be nice, but I rather have great builds rather than putting together a package of mods and shipping it with the current build.
Our plan is to have three types of packages: Just the JAR: just the Craftbukkit.jar Bare-bones: CraftBukkit.jar + example/default configs Starter package: CraftBukkit.jar + example/default configs + plugins to emulate hMod behaviour or more.
Will the default or the bare-bone package include the Permissions system we have been promised? Last month I heard that we were 'almost there'. Could you give us a percentage of completion, or a little overview of what the major roadblocks are for implementation of this system? (inGame commands can be supplemented by a plugin at first, if needed. Support for sub-groups and induvidual permission management (besides the groups and group inheritence) will be essential for me)