The Bukkit Consulting Firm - Solving all your Bukkit-related challenges!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by M1sT3rM4n, Aug 25, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    I must not be doing this correctly. How do I set up hamachi with McMyAdmin? I already have everyone in one network on hamachi
  2. Offline


    McMyAdmin isn't related to Hamachi. McMyAdmin is a server-wrapper that allows you to admin your server in a web browser.

    Hamach: Install, then run, and tell players your Hamachi IP and PW.
  3. Offline


    I must not be doing this correctly. how do I go upon setting up hamachi with McMyAdmin
  4. Offline


    Already answered it. Read the post before :)
  5. Offline


    whoops, sorry. Didnt see that the post went to a new page and assumed it wasn't posted

    So I take the IP that hamachi gives me *.***.*.*** and put it in the server IP part of Server.Properties?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  6. Offline


    Leave that blank.
  7. Offline


    Is there anything else I need to do?
  8. Offline


    Not really.
  9. Offline


    Something peculiar I've noticed on the server I play on, and I'm here to ask what's causing it.

    Basically when there's a change to the terrain generation code between Minecraft versions, what must be the original defined spawn area in Bukkit or Worldguard or something from 0,0 to around 500,300 gets its landscape rewritten. This has happened twice as far as I know. I always wondered why there was a bisected castle in the area, but now I know something's up since the region has changed to 1.8 terrain.

    What's going on here?
  10. Offline


    Is there anything else that can cause my friends to not be able to join? Windows firewall perhaps?
  11. Offline


    That can also be a cause.

    Are you asking what differentiates different landscapes in each MC build?
  12. Offline


    Do you know what I can do to stop firewall from preventing people logging in?
  13. Offline


    Just disable Windows Firewall settings in the control panel.
  14. Offline


    No, I'm asking what is wrong or set incorrectly within Bukkit or possibly its plugins that is causing a large piece of existing land in the middle of the server to get rewritten with new chunks on occasion.
  15. Offline


    That shouldn't occur. The server must have not started/stopped correctly, causing world corruption. Once a chunk's generated, it takes on the property of whatever MC build it uses.
  16. Offline


    The reason I think it might be bukkit or plugin related is that the area getting rewritten fans out from precisely 0,0, and no corruption or rewriting is to be found elsewhere on the server.
  17. Offline


    Unless the person running the server edited the chunks using a 3rd party tool that shouldn't happen.
  18. Offline


    People still can't access the server with firewall disabled. any other options?
  19. Offline


  20. Offline


    Well I know that no editing tools have been used. Here it is on the dynamic map

    It could be corruption, though I've seen map corruption and this seems rather well defined compared to the random chunks, single chunks, or vertical / horizontal lines of chunks on corrupted maps.
  21. Offline


    The interesting thing about what you said is usually map corruptions cause the server to become non-functional :p
  22. Offline


    The server I first played on was up from day 1 of SMP and lasted about 5 months until the Cuboid tool was added. The map was basically destroyed by people trying to edit/delete huge pieces of land with it, causing the server to crash repeatedly. This presumably caused read/write issues when the process was abruptly terminated repeated times.

    On this server which has been up for 5 months and run smoothly the entire time, the area From 0,0 to 500,300 must have been rewritten for the first time around 4 months ago. As of updating bukkit to 1.8 a week or two ago it's gotten rewritten again using the new terrain generation for some reason.
  23. Offline


    It didn't really seem necessary considering how I'm the only one in the hamachi network whose server isn't working
  24. Offline


    Try not using Hamachi.
  25. Offline


    I am having a problem with command forwarding from SimpleServer, and I have deduced that it is most likely a Permissions problem as the commands will work from the console window, but NONE of the commands will work from the client. I can get the command to be sent to Bukkit, but regardless of what is in the Permissions file, it says that I have insufficient permission. I have the default group set to *, so there should be absolutely no way anyone could have a lack of permissions. I have also tried listing each permission out manually in both group and user by user format, but it doesn't work. Is there a special way that Bukkit interprets commands coming from server wrappers that could be causing this? If so, is there some sort of wrapper "username" that I need to add to permissions for it to accept the incoming commands? Or is it possible for me to write a separate plugin to intercept the commands and redirect them manually? I am a decent (though noobish) java coder, so any kind of assistance will help me immensely.

    I am running 64 bit Windows Vista, CB build 1240, SimpleServer 8.3.4, Minecraft 1.8.1, I have tried both the built in and several other permissions plugins for Bukkit, all with the same result.
    EDIT 2: Wait, nope, just got CB build 1317, same problem.
  26. Offline


    Can you show me your permission's config file?
  27. Offline


    Hello, i want to host a modded 1.7.3 server to play buildcraft and industrial craft with my friends, i've gotten the craftbukkit batch file (that i was instructed in creating in youtube guides) to launch and start a server, but now i want to check the version bukkit used to host the server before i start putting 1.7.3 mods on there, how can i check this?

    i use the digiex mclauncher for myself so i cant switch between my 1.8 and 1.7.3 jar files in .minecraft if that has any relevance.

    thank you :D
  28. Offline


    I think that you need to mod a vanilla server to do that.
  29. Offline


    could you provide a link or something to go on?
    help much appreciated
  30. Offline


    Haha I deleted it because I messed it up at some point, I THINK I figured out how to do it now...
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