The Bukkit Consulting Firm - Solving all your Bukkit-related challenges!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by M1sT3rM4n, Aug 25, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    It does support groups.

    It should work once you do this.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  2. Offline


    Assuming you want to use plugins that use 3.1.6.
  3. Offline


    That allows Residence to get the groups from PermissionEx using the 2.x/3.x API
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  4. My challenge is a stumper. I can't hit return in notepad ++ when I am editing a YML without java chocking on my returns. Apparently, the character my keyboard spits out a different return character than is used in the YML, and java hates it. Help please!
  5. Offline


    Is it an existing YML file?
    If so, does it already have multiple lines?
  6. Offline


    Sounds like you need a different keyboard :p
  7. Offline


    What Permissions plugin is good and works with permissions nodes or w/e that is?
  8. Offline


    You can try bPermission or PermissionEx.
  9. Offline


    Thanks, is there any notable difference?

    Whats SuperPerm?
    Whats this talk about Bukkit Permissions?
  10. Offline


    SuperPerms allows you to use the '*' node that used to be in 3.1.6. They separated that feature from the main permission plugin.

    Bukkit Permission is still only a shell at the moment, so you still need another 3rd party plugin to handle permissions itself.
  11. Offline


    So bPermission or PermissionEx is that 3rd party plugin?

    If I use bPermission or PermissionEx do I need SuperPerms?
  12. Offline


    Yes you do.
  13. Offline


    Alright, thanks for your help! :)
  14. I didn't figured it out why on my normal server PEX + Legacy doesn't working at all, and on new (clean) bukkit + multiverse2 + pex + residences it reads groups but only global group, ignores totally world group.
  15. Offline


    Hello, forgive - I am newbie

    We have one big problem with our server - lags. I think that our machine is not bad - 2x4x2.13+ GHz 16GB RAM DDR3 10 Gb/s. Server is lagging when there is one player online and when there are 40.. There is no diffrence. We have big map around 1000 blocks form spawnpoint(we have borders). We r using maybe 4-5 gb ram max. In the begining there were no problems, it started maybe 2 weeks after start. Some people say that bukkit is creating laggin map. Is it tue? Or maybe map is too big (10 cities and many mines ...)? I think we dont have many plugins. Thanks 4 help!
  16. Offline


    If im right then "Dave" is part of the permissions that bukkit comes with. When i start the server i get
    "Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it" yet when i run the server i cannot use /help or /save-all none of the commands that run the server.

    How can i make "Dave" Die? and remove him or do i have to wait till the next build
  17. Offline


    Okay, so evertyhing was fine. I installed logblock, did the whole mysql and winamp thing, (followed the video in the installition guide). But it comes up with a huge list of errors. Saying that permissions is doing stuff to all the plugins and that things are allowing other things to work.
    it's really frustrating, because I'm almost done with my server and was kinda hoping to get it up and running tonight.
  18. Offline


    Make yourself OP.
  19. Hi there,
    first of thanks for this great service =).
    Is there a way to synchronize a live server with a test server by using baskit? I always have a testserver which is copied from the live server at some point and then when I updated the testserver and added plugins I want it to synchronize all these changes of the plugins back to the mainserver but keep all the world data and database data.
    Any proof of concept idea of how to do that?
    Thanks in advance!
  20. Offline


    You have to give me more information. What plugins are you running?
  21. Offline


    These are logs from console. Thx

    Attached Files:

  22. mcSimpleMail - plugin that caused permissions compat problem :confused:
  23. It exists (built by PermissionsBukkit) and it has multiple lines if I open it in notepad ++. It doesn't if I open it in ye generic notepad. There is an extra character there.
  24. Whats your command line for running the server?
    And do you have dynmap installed?

    Maybe there is a problem with your garbage collection, because 4-5gb is a lot.
    Also try to set view distance in to 7 or (lower only at RB#1060)
    If you have dynmap it can cause huge lags. Try changing it for a cronjob render (i use tectonicus)

    Greetz Silthus
  25. Okay, I found out Geany is a good editor for this sort of thing.
  26. Offline


    Does dave only apply to the console comands?
  27. Offline


    That message Bukkit's "You don't have permission to do this"

    You need to OP yourself by typing
    op <Your_Username>
    into the console.
  28. Offline


    thx but if you install a plugin that has a /help command what happens
  29. Offline


    It should override the default one.
  30. Offline


    k thx
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