Text configuration files

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by IronFerret, Mar 9, 2011.

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    I'm using notepad to edit text files for permissions and configurations and stuff like that

    but every other file i open is formatted like this:


    on one line forever and ever, so i go though it and put the enters in and it looks nice and i can actually read it.

    then i save and close it.....and it happens again

    is there a way to fix this, or a text editor that i can use instead to won't make me waste half an hour just to add one user to permissions?

    any help would be appreciated T.T
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    Notepad++, or, if you really don't want to download anything, WordPad.
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    thank you :D

    woo! it works

    plus 20 internet for you
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    I have this same problem too, I am using Notepad++ and all the text displays on a single line. This is my first attempt at modifying the permission files, but until I get the text editor sorted out I am stuck. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong in notepad++, it recognizes the YAML file type but it doesn't indent anything. If I am working with the stock Group Permissions file do I have to manually indent them the first time?
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