TerrainControl/Multiverse help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by jjacobson, Sep 13, 2012.

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    Hi, I have used terrain control many times, but there was always one problem. I can't get a custom world as the default minecraft world. I want my custom world to be the only normal world. Not having to create it after I have joined the game using multiverse. The problem with this is that people always spawn in the default world. Lets say I start out with the default minecraft map, In order to get a custom generator I have to get multiverse then do /mv create custom_map normal -g terrain control. Ok fine thats all good, but when a new player joins they start in the world "world" and not in the custom map where I want them to start out. Is there a way to make them spawn in the custom map, or is there a way to make the custom map the default and only world?
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    Go to server properties, and you can specify what world you want your server to use. The default world used is "world" so you would want to change it to the name of your custom world.
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