temporary Commands: check time

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TheA13X, Sep 7, 2013.

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    Hey People.
    If I want to make a command, which undo itself after a while I need to check the time.
    I had the Idea to do this with "System.getCurrentMillis()", but how can I check time?
    I need a repeating task and the Bukkitsceduler is a bad way to do it as it works with ticks (they don't really are relaible).
    Which other ways do you know?

    Thanks [torch]
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    Deleted user

    I made a plugin like this

    Its not that simple

    You don't need runnables

    I'd suggest use SimpleDate and time format
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    Of course. But I still have to chek the Date and time somehow.
    With a while(true)-loop it won't work of course, so I need an other way.
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