Temporary Client-side Plugins

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Noogies, Oct 1, 2011.

  1. Offline


    It would be nice if someone could develop a method of delivering temporary client-side plugins that would load (from the server) when the user connects, and unload when the user logs out.

    It may require that the player loads a bukkit-client-enabler package and a popular modloader to their minecraft.jar file.

    The server side portion will have a cache of plugins that will be transmitted to the client upon connection to the server.

    There should be "Mandatory" (user will be disconnected if they don't permit the plugins to load), and "Optional" (user will be asked to approve the loading of the plugin) plugin types.

    The optional plugin type may be sent to the user when logging in, or when required if the user attempts to utilize a certain feature or command.

    The plugin should be unloaded upon logout. Optionally, the plugin can be cached by the client to speed connection the next time.

  2. Offline


    Cannot be done without client modification. What do people in these times not understand?
  3. Offline


    Well he mentioned it might require client mod too ~
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    Ya, what Afforess said! But someone could beat them to it. Nudge Nudge. Wink Wink. Say no more!

    And, canownueasy, <tongue in cheek> why don't people in these times read? </tongue in cheek>

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