Team Based Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by TheMinecraftBosser, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Hello, I am creating a server with Guns+ (SpoutCraft) a few other plugins. We have an idea for the server but we need a plugin for it. We cannot offer you money for it (sorry), but it would give you some publicity and probably get you popular if you develop such a plugin.

    We need a plugin that allows players to choose a certain team (amount of teams can be configured). This may sound like a faction job from that sentence, but it's more complicated than that.

    • We want to be able to select certain regions to be "neutral" and "controlled" by different teams (starting regions in which other teams cannot enter OR claim, and regions that can be claimed by any team).
    • When players log out when they're not on the battlefield (region that can be claimed/taken) they are sent back to the starting/home region spawn.
    • When they join, they are given the option to join a certain team. They spawn in the global spawn, which they will be prompted with something like, "Do /join [team name]" and it then lists the possible team names with it. In my case, there will be 3 or 4 different teams. They cannot leave a team without an admin or OP forcing them do through a command. They then can join a different team if an OP or admin makes them leave.
    • The team (owner) of the region (that can be claimed) will depend on how many players of a certain team are on that region. For example, if, say, the Green team in a region with 20 players, and the red team has 2 players, blue team has 8 players, and orange team has 6 (in that region) then Green would control that region. If the green team leaves that region, and no other team goes on it so the overall region player count is 0, then the Green team will stay controlling the region until an opposing team enters that region.
    • Notifications on a region being taken has to be sent to the players.
    • The regions cannot be editted. You would not have to worry about this UNLESS it is not compatible with WorldGuard.
    I might add more features/ideas if I (or my friends) have any. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Thank you.

    Shameless bump.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2016
  2. Offline


    Wait at least a while before bumping. Some people wait for over 24h before doing so.
  3. Offline


    If nobody has posted or taken interest in your request then perhaps you need to add more information than just posting some useless bump. Also, you are only allowed to bump a thread once every 12 hours.
  4. I said I would post more information about it if they needed it. Also, I have gotten messages from people who will code it, but they want to get paid for it, which I don't want to do.

    Also, my last bump was more than 24 hours ago.

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