TabList name longer than 16 chars?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Permeer, Jan 20, 2015.

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    Hello guys

    I was searching by a long time how do i do this , and i found that i can do it using Packet201PlayerInfo but it seems to do not exists anymore , so if someone could tell me a way to do that , i appreciate
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    You would have to use a API plugin if you would like to do this. On my plugins, I just sub string the players name so they can fit in the tablist! Here is a example of how to sub string a name and put it in the tab:
                    if (player.getName().length() >= 14) {
                        player.setPlayerListName(player.getName().substring(0, 14));
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    @Permeer The class names changed a while ago. I believe it is PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo now.
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    @Skionz I did it with the PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo , but the tabnames cant be longer than 16 characters yet
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    Give the player a Team
    Give the Team a prefix and suffix
    profit (48 characters in total)
    Konato_K likes this.
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