Sword Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by superpat17, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: PvP/Minigames

    Suggested name: ZombieKillingX

    What I want: Hi, My name is Pat and I will be telling you abut the plugin. I want a plugin what would let my players to play a minigames/pvp thing. They would spawn it a big arena where the admin or what not would make. And they spawn with any spawn what you set in the config. Its like cod because these zombies just keep on coming at the player. The player gets money (money from another eco plugin) and they can buy ingame items like Superspeed, Armourx and many more we can make up on the way. The whole point is that the player spawns with a sword and they fight of waves of mobs.

    Ideas for commands:
    To create an arena: /ZKX(can be lower case) arena build [name]- they have to make some kind of arena and use //wand to mark out the postions where the arena is.
    To create a spawn point: /ZKX setspawn [name]-sets where they spawn in the game
    To createa waiting lobby: /ZKX create lobby [name]-sets waiting lobby
    To start game: /ZKX startgame auto [name]
    To end game: /ZKX endgame auto [name]
    (We can think of any more commands if you wish)

    Ideas for permissions: I really dont know, we can talk about it :)

    When I'd like it by: anytime, we can talk though bukkit if you dont mind


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