Survival Islands

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by star_biker, Jan 13, 2018.

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    Plugin category: Economy, SkyBlock, Fun, Etc.

    Minecraft version: 1.8-1.12.2

    Suggested name: Survival-Islands

    What I want: Feature List: {I have added a picture of a Survival Island as well}

    Feature 1: I want there to be islands like the picture I sent you with barriers surronding it and only stone below the surface and barriers so they can't escape and the island should be at 100Y Axis and the top layer being Grass and the next 4 layers down being Dirt and then 94 layers down just Stone and the bottom of your island should be able to regenerate stone if someone purchases it to from there "Island Manager" and all islands should NOT be square they should be kinda like a circle but not 100% like a circle like the picture I sent you and the layers should all go down perfectly with bedrock at the bottom so they cannot escape and if you can make the barriers glowing so they can see really good while mining.

    Feature 2: I want there to be an Island Manager witch would be a Worker NPC were you click on him and you can Buy and Sell items so theres a GUI Shop and I want it so you can edit it in-game and at the Island Manager you could also choose to regenerate the Underground Part of your island witch would slowly regenerate all of there stone so they could mine and get more materials for a set amount in the config (you should also be able to set the GUI Shop prices in like a prices.txt config) and at the Island Manager I also want it so you can complete tasks and you should get a task every 1-3 hours depending on your Survival Island Level (Lvl 0-99 3 Hours, Lvl 100-299 2 Hours, 300+ 1 Hour) and the task should be like "Get 64 Melons" or "Get 32 Dirt" and you should be able to edit that in the config as well and the reward that is given and every 10 tasks should give you a set reward in the config.
    Feature 3: I want there to be Pickaxe Upgraded witch would upgrade your chance to get Coal, Iron Ingots, Gold Ingots, Diamond, or Emeralds from Stone and the max lvl for a Wood Pickaxe would be 3 and max level for a Stone Pickaxe I would want it to be lvl 5 and for Iron Pickaxe max lvl of 10 and Gold Pickaxe max lvl 25 and max lvl for Diamond Pickaxe 50 and you could edit how much percentage of a chance it is to get each ore from Stone dependent on the lvl of your tool.

    Feature 4: I want there to be a Flotation Apple where its a Regular Golden Apple that you can eat but it doesent give you the Golden Apple affects but it gives you access to fly for 45 Minutes where if you double tap your space bar its just a smooth fly (like when in /fly)

    Feature 5: I want there to be Island Level that would show in chat before your prefix (so basically this would be your first prefix and your set prefix with PermissionsEX would be your second prefix) and so it would be like this: [Lvl 8] [Member] star_biker: Hello -- Thats what I was thinking and each block you place should count for a certain amount of island level (you should be able to set this in the config)

    Ideas for commands: /SurvivalIsland (/SI) Creates your Survival Island.
    /SurvivalIsland Manager (/SIM) Access your manager from anywhere.
    /SurvivalIsland Reload (/SIR) Reloads all of the configs

    Ideas for permissions: /SurvivalIsland (/SI) - SurvivalIsland.Create
    /SurvivalIsland Manager (/SIM) - SurvivalIsland.Manager.Anywhere
    /SurvivalIsland Reload (/SIR) - SurvivalIsland.Admin
    {All Commands: SurvivalIsland.All}

    When I'd like it by: 1-3 Weeks.


    Thank you to whoever offers to do this it really means a lot and I have wanted this project for a very long time and just thank you whoever makes this so much!

    Attached Files:

  2. @star_biker I can tell you why you haven't gotten this plugin for a long time...

    First of all, probably the majority of people on these forums aren't familiar with custom terrain generation... second of all, once you figure out how to actually make custom terrain, the hard part is making it look realistic or good- you've got to add in random factors/occurrences, and then you have to try out all sorts of values and see how they look. The custom dimension mods you see are made by passionate modmakers, not pluginmakers... often pluginmakers are more technically minded, but advanced mods like Aether have taken many months or even years to make.

    I could technically make this for you; it's a good idea and it looks like you care about it... but I am also working on some projects of my own that I am passionate about. The best thing you could do on your own is use a good seed or a custom world preset; maybe one like water world. The islands I could make without putting too much time into it would either have to copy minecraft's code from an earlier version (which might not even be allowed and might then need to be obfuscated), or would look smooth or mathematical, almost like those CGI terrain placeholder images (in minecraft, more like smooth hills without much change in landscape).

    I could see you using an existing world generator or a custom world preset, and then building off from there. Your idea sounds cool, but then the filler/details is based a lot off of what skyblock is today- a mechanical system, where instead of being about sandbox in the sky, expanding a nice green island, it is about becoming a billionaire, meeting set challenges in a GUI and getting rewards or items in a shop. Why not have a survival island world that is more like survival island adventure maps- but maybe the extra/limitation is that there are monsters in the sea, the water is boiling and breaks boats, or you can't make boats/get wood or they only travel so far? Or people could choose to go to another island if they want, but if they didn't have fun doing that then it's their fault for not sticking to their island and challenging themselves. Secret treasure chests or custom villagers could occur as well. The villager could be Robinson Crusoe, a silent testificate (that you can't trade with), a villager that actually talks, or just a regular villager. Rather than being a boring villager that doesn't move and just sells you skyblock items, it could be a villager that washes up/you find on average 0-20 days after you spawn on your island.

    Players could spawn on unique islands found in the world, or could have to swim to find one, or perhaps new players could wash up on islands a player already has spawned by. There are many ideas you could do to go further than skyblock servers have, and more closely to what makes minecraft great. You could even have there be no monsters, but they spawn underground/where skylight is absent.
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