Plugin Help Survival Games Kits

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by TechnoGeek123, Nov 3, 2014.

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    Hi, I am trying to make kits for the Survival Games aspect of my server. However, they don't seem to be working. Whenever a player attempts to use a kit, Its says "Error that kit does not exist."
    Here is my kits.yml file:
    #######################  Kits #############################
    ##  Kits
    # the permission for each kit is sg.kits.<kitname> where
    # kit name is the name of the kit
    # cost is the cost to use this kit. #not implemented#
    # icon: the icon to be displayed with this kit
    # contents: the contents of this kit
    # Items are defined as
    #    itemnumber, amount, durabilty, enchantments, name
    # Example: diamond sword with 1 item, full durabilty, shaprness 4, knockback 2 and the name killer
    #    276, 1, 0, sharpness: 4 knockback: 2, killer
    version: 1
    enabled: true
    ## Kit Display Mode
    #  SHOW_ALL    = Show all the kit contents
    #  SHOW_ICON    = Show only the icon
    #  AUTO_SELECT  = Auto select the top level kit
    kit-select-mode: 'SHOW_ALL'
        cost: 0
        icon: '399'
        - '268,1, 0, flame:1 sharpness:1 unbreaking:3 knockback:1'
        - '261,1, 0, flame:1 power:1 punch:1'
        cost: 0
        icon: '339'
        - '276,1, 0, fire:2, Fire'
        - '261'
        - '262, 64'
    I am using essential kits as well, so if they are conflicting, how do I fix that?


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2016
  2. Here is what I would do. Setup essentials kits so they are only usable in certain worlds, and then use essentials.
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