Solved Survival Games Kits Feature Not Working!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by imyussy, Oct 1, 2014.

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    Hi, I am trying to use the kits feature in the SurvivalGames plugin by Double_0_negative. When I put in the things I want in the kits it comes up with an error in console and then duplicates the 'kits.yml' file and then starts fresh from the it originally looked like before I edited it to my likings. Its kinda like in the Essentials plugin when there is an error in the config so it duplicates a new file called 'config.yml.broken'. If anyone can help me PLEASE leave a comment below because I honesty don't know what went wrong. I pasted a paste bin link to what the 'kits.yml' file looks like below. Thank you, imyussy

    Pastebin link:
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    Create a ticket?
  3. Offline


    How do i create a ticket?
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    imyussy It looks like your file has a whole lot of ‘ and ’ marks in it instead of plain ' ones. There are also a couple of lines where the mark is missing altogether. Here, try this file and see if it works any better:
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